首页> 外文期刊>Electrical Engineers, Journal of the Institution of >An analysis of the costs of electricity supply, and its application in relation to various types of consumers

An analysis of the costs of electricity supply, and its application in relation to various types of consumers




In this paper the authors' aim is to give an outline of a system of analysis of the costs of electricity supply, which is suitable for use by a large undertaking giving supply under very varied conditions to consumers of many different types. The system described has been evolved during the last eight years, in connection with the undertakings of the New-castle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and its subsidiary companies, and though it has not necessarily reached its final development it has at any rate passed beyond the purely experimental stage. The paper gives an outline of the method of analysis of all costs and capital charges, but deals in greater detail with those involved by the smaller classes of consumers, the supply to whom is receiving so much attention at the present time. A complete example of an analysis is included to illustrate the method of working. The paper is divided into the following sections:- (1) Reasons for cost analysis and the principles aimed at in the system described. (2) An outline of the method of analysis. (3) Data concerning characteristics of use of electricity by various types of consumers, required in order to apply the information obtained from the cost analysis, and the methods adopted to obtain these data. (4) Practical applications of the analysis
机译:在本文中,作者的目的是给出电力成本分析系统的概述,该系统适合于大型企业使用,该系统可以在非常不同的条件下为许多不同类型的消费者提供电力。所描述的系统是在最近八年内与泰恩河畔新堡电力供应有限公司及其子公司的业务相关的演变而来的,尽管不一定达到最终的发展水平。无论如何已经超越了纯粹的实验阶段。本文概述了所有成本和资本费用的分析方法,但更详细地介绍了较小类别的消费者所涉及的问题,目前,这些消费者的供给受到了极大关注。包括一个完整的分析示例来说明工作方法。本文分为以下几节:-(1)进行成本分析的原因和所描述系统的目标原理。 (2)分析方法概述。 (3)为了应用从成本分析获得的信息而需要的有关各种类型消费者的用电特性的数据,以及为获得这些数据所采用的方法。 (4)实际应用分析



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