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Quarterbacking power plays: Expect the unexpected


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While it may be true the collapse of Enron Corp. could be cited as the root of all energy sector financial woes and diluted earnings represented in 4Q2001 annual profit reports, it clearly wasn't the underlying trigger of them. Just as sports historians instinctively know that talented quarterbacks and coaches are catalysts of great teams and stellar sports seasons, energy historians may look back and note that Enron's ongoing financial troubles were perhaps triggered more by strategy calls by the company's own players and coaching staff than by a safety or corner blitz from financial analysts, regulators or the media. Corporate energy maneuvers clearly didn't start with Enron's collapse, nor will they end with Swiss-based UBS AG's zero-upfront cash acquisition of EnronOnline and takeover of Enron's prime downtown Houston facilities. Post-Enron changes―shifts in rating agency requirements, a measured loss of confidence in the merchant model, demands for audits, transparency and added disclosure―will, however, likely affect all North American energy teams for seasons to come. In this pivotal election year, there are distinct new rules being applied by government agencies and elected official referees tasked with insuring both prudent, fair play (and, of course, influencing the November vote). Savvy executives are watching plays closely and taking appropriate defensive actions.
机译:虽然确实可以将安然公司(Enron Corp.)的倒闭视为所有能源部门财务困境和稀释的盈余的根源,但这些盈余在2001年第四季度的年度利润报告中却有所体现,但这显然不是引发这些危机的根本原因。就像体育历史学家本能地知道,四分卫和才华横溢的教练是伟大的球队和出色的运动季节的催化剂一样,能源历史学家可能会回头并指出,安然持续的财务困境可能更多是由公司自身的球员和教练员提出的战略召唤引发的,而不是由来自金融分析师,监管机构或媒体的安全或紧急突击。企业能源策略显然不是从安然的倒闭开始的,也不是以瑞士的瑞银集团以零前期现金收购EnronOnline以及接管安然市区休斯顿的主要设施而告终。然而,安然后的变化(评级机构要求的变化,对商人模型的信心丧失,衡量的审计要求,透明度和增加的披露)将可能影响所有北美能源团队。在这个关键的选举年中,政府机构和民选裁判员采用了不同的新规则,以确保审慎,公平的比赛(当然,还要影响11月的投票)。精明的高管正在密切注意比赛并采取适当的防御行动。



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