AbstractThe aim of this study is to gain insights into students’ language use on social media as part of the sp'/> Language play in a second language: Social media as contexts for emerging Sociopragmatic competence
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Language play in a second language: Social media as contexts for emerging Sociopragmatic competence


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AbstractThe aim of this study is to gain insights into students’ language use on social media as part of the specific linguistic activities of second language (L2) learning, including development of sociopragmatic competence. Two Facebook groups were introduced in different English-as-L2 classes that were part of an international collaborative project comprising secondary schools in Colombia, Finland, Sweden and Taiwan. The study is theoretically grounded in sociocultural perspectives on learning, and the methods involve logging the students’ linguistic interactions in the social media groups. The analysis of the empirical material explored how the students framed the activities by different types of keying in their choice of linguistic repertoires. The findings show that the social media context offered a casual space for communication in which the students, by attentively attuning to the local coordinated framing, used diverse linguistic repertoires to play with the language. In instances of upkeyed framings, the language play was not only used with pragmatic intentions, but also as a means for various socializing purposes. In conclusion, it is suggested that language play on social media can be seen as a valuable activity in developing sociopragmatic competence to prepare students for L2 use outside of school.
机译: Abstract 此研究的目的是深入了解学生在社交上的语言使用媒体作为第二语言(L2)学习的特定语言活动的一部分,包括社会语用能力的发展。两个Facebook小组在不同的英语作为L2课上进行了介绍,这是国际合作项目的一部分,该项目包括哥伦比亚,芬兰,瑞典和台湾的中学。该研究从理论上基于社会文化观点来进行学习,并且该方法涉及在社交媒体组中记录学生的语言互动。对实证材料的分析探索了学生如何在选择语言库时通过不同类型的键控来组织活动。研究结果表明,社交媒体环境为交流提供了一个休闲的空间,在该空间中,学生通过专心于当地的协调框架,使用多种语言来玩耍该语言。在框框泛滥的情况下,语言游戏不仅是出于务实的意图而使用的,而且还是各种社交目的的一种手段。总之,建议将社交媒体上的语言游戏视为发展社会语用能力的重要活动,为学生在校外使用L2做好准备。



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