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A new model for the factors that affect interactive whiteboard usage of teachers and its effect on performance


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In this study, it was aimed to investigate teachers' acceptance and use of interactive whiteboard (IWB), technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), transition to use IWB effects on teacher performance. A causal pattern was used based on the structural equation model established the causal relationship between the factors in the study. The study group of the study consisted of 305 teachers who worked in primary, secondary and high school in Turkey. Data were collected via 4 scales as Acceptance and Use of IWB Scale, TPACK Practical Scale, IWB Transition Framework Scale, and Teacher Performance Scale. In the analysis of the data were used simple linear regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and structural equation model was tested with path analysis. TPACK has positive effects on acceptance and use of IWB and teacher performance; acceptance and use of IWB has positive effects on IWB transition and teacher performance; IWB transition has a positive effect on teacher performance. These findings showed that a model based on the relationship between teacher performance and teachers' acceptance and use of IWB, TPACK, IWB transition can be created. In the context of technology integration, it is concluded that teacher performance is related to TPACK, acceptance and use of IWB, IWB transition. In this respect, it can be said that the TPACK and IWB usage are positively reflected on their performance. From these results, may conjecture that is important to have TPACK and use IWB in the development of teacher performance.
机译:在这项研究中,它旨在调查教师接受和使用交互式白板(IWB),技术教学内容知识(TPACK),过渡到使用IWB对教师绩效的影响。基于结构方程模型建立了研究中因因素之间的因果关系来使用因果模式。该研究的研究小组由305名教师组成,在土耳其的小学,中学和高中工作。通过4个尺度收集数据作为IWB规模,TPACK实际规模,IWB转换框架规模和教师性能规模的验收和使用。在对数据的分析中,使用了简单的线性回归分析,通过路径分析测试了多元回归分析和结构方程模型。 TPACK对IWB和教师表现的接受和使用具有积极影响;接受和使用IWB对IWB过渡和教师表现具有积极影响; IWB过渡对教师表现产生了积极影响。这些发现表明,可以创建基于教师绩效与教师接受和使用IWB,TPACK,IWB转换的关系的模型。在技​​术整合的背景下,得出结论,教师表现与TPACK,IWB,IWB过渡的接受和使用有关。在这方面,可以说,TPACK和IWB使用积极地反映出它们的性能。从这些结果来看,可能猜想具有TPACK的重要性,并在教师表现的发展中使用IWB。



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