首页> 外文期刊>Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety >Making the right conclusions based on wrong results and small sample sizes:Interpretation of statistical tests in ecotoxicology

Making the right conclusions based on wrong results and small sample sizes:Interpretation of statistical tests in ecotoxicology


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In environmental risk assessments statistical tests are a standard tool to evaluate the significance of effects by pesticides. While it has rarely been assessed how likely it is to detect effects given a specific sample size, it was never analysed how reliable results are if the test preconditions, particularly of parametric tests, are not fulfilled or how likely it is to detect deviations from these preconditions. Therefore, we analyse the performance of a parametric and a non-parametric test using Monte Carlo simulation, focussing on typical data used in ecotoxicological risk assessments. We show that none of the data distributions are normal and that for typical sample sizes of N < 20 it is very unlikely to detect deviations from normality. Non-parametric tests performed markedly better than parametric tests, except when data were in fact normally distributed. We finally discuss the impact of using different tests on pesticide risk assessments.
机译:在环境风险评估中,统计测试是评估农药影响重要性的标准工具。尽管很少评估在给定特定样本量的情况下检测效果的可能性,但从未分析过如果未满足测试前提条件(尤其是参数测试的条件)或检测偏离这些条件的可能性如何,结果的可靠性如何?前提条件。因此,我们使用蒙特卡洛模拟分析参数和非参数测试的性能,重点是生态毒理风险评估中使用的典型数据。我们表明,没有一个数据分布是正态的,并且对于N <20的典型样本量,很难检测出与正态性的偏差。非参数测试的性能明显优于参数测试,除非数据实际上是正态分布的。最后,我们讨论使用不同测试对农药风险评估的影响。



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