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A hard day's night


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It's six in the morning on Labour Day and Al Gore is addressing an overflowing crowd at a fire station in Tampa, Florida. He warms them up with a few firefighting anecdotes—it turns out that his uncle Everett was a fireman—before reverting to his usual catalogue of policies and promises. He will reduce prescription-drug prices for old folk (a forest of crutches is raised aloft in approval), raise the minimum wage by a dollar an hour (loud cheers), and provide tax credits for university education (even louder cheers). By the time the first rays of dawn can be seen on the horizon, he has promised something to almost everyone present (with the notable exception of the man holding a huge sign demanding the appointment of a special prosecutor), and the crowd marches off happily into the sunrise.
机译:劳动节早上六点钟,阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)在佛罗里达州坦帕市的一个消防局向人群四溢的人群讲话。在恢复到他通常的政策和承诺目录之前,他用一些消防轶事使他们兴奋起来-事实证明,他的叔叔埃弗里特是一名消防员。他将降低老年人的处方药价格(批准时高举拐杖森林),将最低工资提高每小时一美元(欢呼声),并为大学教育提供税收抵免(欢呼声更高)。等到地平线上可以看到第一缕曙光时,他已经向几乎在场的每个人承诺了一些事情(值得注意的是,那名男子举着巨大的牌子要求任命一名特别检察官),人群欢呼雀跃。进入日出。



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