
About a boy


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It has been 13 months since Ugyen Trinley Dorje gave his Chinese minders the slip, left his monastery in the outskirts of Lhasa, and made a perilous winter-time trek across the Himalayas to join the Dalai Lama's headquarters in exile at Dharamsala, in India. At the time, China's government insisted that the boy, the 17th incarnation of the Tibetan Buddhist Kagyu sect's Karmapa Lama, had not fled China at all, but merely went to fetch some religious relics, and some ceremonial hats, from a monastery in Sikkim. Never mind that he headed off 1,400 km in the opposite direction from Sikkim, complained about Chinese persecution as soon as he got to Dharamsala, and this week accepted refugee status in India—China still refuses to abandon its explanation of his departure. All this stretches credulity and might, on the surface, seem an act of pure self-delusion on China's part. But this response to the Kar-mapa's flight has been deeply pragmatic, serving China's interests well. For they concern both its rule over Tibet and its prickly relations with India.
机译:自Ugyen Trinley Dorje给他的中国助手溜走,离开他的修道院在拉萨郊区,在喜马拉雅山脉进行一次危险的冬季跋涉,来到达赖喇嘛在印度达兰萨拉的流亡总部以来,已经有13个月了。当时,中国政府坚持认为,这名男孩是藏传佛教g举派的map玛巴喇嘛的第17个化身,根本没有逃离中国,而只是从锡金的一座修道院里拿来一些宗教文物和一些礼帽。没关系,他朝着锡金相反的方向驶去了1400公里,他一到达兰萨拉就抱怨中国遭到迫害,并且本周接受了印度的难民身份-中国仍然拒绝放弃对其离境的解释。所有这些都令人轻信,从表面上看,这似乎纯粹是对中国的自欺欺人。但是,这种对the玛巴逃亡的反应非常务实,很好地符合了中国的利益。因为他们既关心它对西藏的统治,也关心它与印度的多刺关系。



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