首页> 外文期刊>Barnelitter?rt Forskningstidsskrift >“Det blir mackor med O'boy och O'boy. Och flingor med O'boy” F?rpackning och varum?rke som representation av det vardagliga livet och konsumtionen som frig?relse

“Det blir mackor med O'boy och O'boy. Och flingor med O'boy” F?rpackning och varum?rke som representation av det vardagliga livet och konsumtionen som frig?relse




Packaging and trademarks as representation of everyday life and consumption as liberation. This text shows how the packages in Pija Lindenbaum When Owen's mom breathed fire (2005) represent the everyday life and the reality in contrast to his mother who turned into a dragon. The text also shows how consumption can represent liberation and personal growth in a few Swedish picture books of recent years. It also covers how a rejection of the commercial children's literature can effect our view of the packaging of children's book illustrations. Examples from Gunilla Bergstr?m's books about Alfie Atkins shows how the anonymous and non-recognizable packaging can be perceived.
机译:包装和商标代表着日常生活,消费代表着解放。这段文字显示了与欧文的母亲变成巨龙相比,当欧文的妈妈大火( 2005)时,皮亚·林登鲍姆(Pija Lindenbaum)中的包裹如何体现日常生活和现实。文本还显示了消费如何代表近年来的一些瑞典图画书中的解放和个人成长。它还涵盖了拒绝商业儿童文学如何影响我们对儿童图书插图包装的看法。 Gunilla Bergstr?m关于Alfie Atkins的书中的示例显示了如何感知匿名和无法识别的包装。



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