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Charlemagne: Migration migraine


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The young man from Senegal was one of roughly 20,000 who have arrived so far this year in Spain's Canary Islands, trying to reach Europe. The waters around the Canaries are becoming a humanitarian disaster. Thousands drown before they reach the shore of the closest part of Europe to west Africa, almost 1,000 miles (1,600km) away. But the young man was not deterred. If he got the chance, he said, he would try again tomorrow. All round Europe immigrants are, literally, dying to get in. Many Europeans say that immigration is an "important" or "extremely important threat". Managing immigration is now "the greatest challenge facing all European governments", according to John Reid, Britain's home secretary. Nicolas Sarkozy, interior minister and presidential candidate, has launched a get-tough campaign that may push the issue up the agenda in next year's French presidential election. This summer's break-up of the Dutch coalition was triggered by disputes over the tough policy of the immigration minister, Rita Verdonk.
机译:塞内加尔的年轻人是今年迄今抵达西班牙加那利群岛(Canary Islands)并试图抵达欧洲的大约20,000人之一。金丝雀周围的水域正在成为人道主义灾难。成千上万的人在到达欧洲最接近西非的海岸之前溺水身亡,相距将近1000英里(1600公里)。但是这个年轻人并没有吓倒。他说,如果有机会,他明天会再试一次。从字面上看,全欧洲的移民都渴望进入。许多欧洲人说,移民是“重要”或“极其重要的威胁”。英国内政大臣约翰·里德(John Reid)表示,管理移民现在是“所有欧洲政府面临的最大挑战”。内政部长兼总统候选人尼古拉·萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)发起了一场艰难的竞选活动,这可能会在明年的法国总统大选中将这一问题推上议事日程。今年夏天,荷兰联盟解体是由移民部长里塔·维登克(Rita Verdonk)的强硬政策引发的争议引发的。



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