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Does Italy's plight threaten European Monetary Union?


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The Italian economy is in a mess. GDP is expected to contract by 0.6% this year and the budget deficit is heading towards 4% of GDP - it is hard to see a way out of the mire. And after the rejection of the European constitution in France and the Netherlands, questions are being asked about the very future of the European project. With Italy fundamentally uncompetitive across a whole range of both price and non-prices measures, and with an industrial structure ill-equipped to deal with the challenges of globalisation, Italy's long-term membership of the Euro is being debated. This article by Keith Church sets out Italy's problems and argues that, if the economy stagnates for a prolonged period, pressure to leave EMU will become irresistible. This can be avoided if the government finally implements structural reforms instead of continually 'muddling through'. At the same time, the ECB needs to realise the urgency of the current situation and start to show greater flexibility.
机译:意大利经济一团糟。预计今年GDP将萎缩0.6%,预算赤字将接近GDP的4%-很难找到摆脱困境的出路。在法国和荷兰否决了欧洲宪法之后,人们对欧洲项目的未来提出了疑问。由于意大利在价格和非价格措施的整个范围内基本上都没有竞争力,而且产业结构不足以应对全球化的挑战,因此,人们对意大利长期加入欧元区进行辩论。基思·丘奇(Keith Church)的这篇文章提出了意大利的问题,并指出,如果经济长期停滞,离开欧洲货币联盟的压力将变得不可抗拒。如果政府最终实施结构性改革,而不是不断地“弄混”,这是可以避免的。同时,欧洲央行需要意识到当前形势的紧迫性,并开始表现出更大的灵活性。



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