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Determinants of Consumers' Green Purchase Behavior in a Developing Nation: Applying and Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior


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The green consumption among individuals can be an effective way to minimize the negative impact of consumption on the environment. The research related to green consumption behavior in developing nations such as India is few and far between. Considering this, researchers in the present study have attempted to understand the consumer behavior to buy green products in context of a developing nation; India. The study has used the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and further extended the TPB including additional constructs namely; perceived value and willingness to pay premium (WPP) and measured its appropriateness in determining consumer green purchase intention and behavior. A total of 620 usable responses were collected with the help of a questionnaire survey using the convenience sampling approach. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate the strength of relationships among constructs. The findings reported that TPB fully supported the consumers' intention to buy green products which in turn influences their green purchase behavior. Inclusion of additional constructs was supported in the TPB as it has improved the predicted power of the TPB framework in predicting consumer green purchase intention and behavior. At the end, discussion and implications have been discussed. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:个人之间的绿色消费可能是减少消费对环境负面影响的有效方法。与诸如印度这样的发展中国家的绿色消费行为有关的研究很少且相差甚远。考虑到这一点,本研究的研究人员试图了解发展中国家在购买绿色产品时的消费者行为。印度。该研究使用了计划行为理论(TPB),并进一步扩展了TPB,包括其他构造。感知的价值和支付溢价的意愿(WPP),并衡量其在确定消费者绿色购买意图和行为方面的适当性。借助便利抽样方法,在问卷调查的帮助下,总共收集了620个可用答复。结构方程模型(SEM)用于评估构造之间的关系强度。调查结果报告说,城规会完全支持消费者购买绿色产品的意图,这反过来影响了他们的绿色购买行为。 TPB支持将其他构造包含在内,因为它提高了TPB框架在预测消费者绿色购买意图和行为方面的预测能力。最后讨论了讨论和含义。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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