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Growing into Water Conservation? Decomposing the Drivers of Reduced Water Consumption in Las Vegas, NV


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Increasing population and drought have lead to growing concerns about water scarcity across the US despite a long decline in per-capita consumption. To what extent is this decline the result of water policy vs. other exogenous changes? Many municipalities implement multiple water-focused policies simultaneously - while still subject to other exogenous drivers - so it is important to pair policy evaluations with approaches that examine multiple drivers of water use. The importance of water policy, infrastructure change, and broader technological and demographic trends in influencing water demand has not been measured. We demonstrate a novel method for decomposing multiple drivers of consumption using a dataset of neighborhood water consumption, home infrastructure characteristics, and vegetation in Las Vegas. The largest measureable factor driving conservation for Las Vegas as a whole is lower consumption from new homes, while in established neighborhoods it is declining vegetation area. However, factors we measure directly account for only half of the observed consumption decline. This provides indirect evidence that consumption declines coincident with a drought alert, increased water waste enforcement, and other policy responses also played an important role in conservation. An array of approaches directed at both infrastructure and behavior can effectively reduce consumption. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:尽管人均消费量长期下降,但人口的增加和干旱导致人们越来越担心全美国的水资源短缺。这种下降在多大程度上是水政策与其他外在变化的结果?许多市政当局同时实施多种以水为中心的政策-同时仍受其他外在因素的影响-因此,重要的是将政策评估与检查水资源使用多种因素的方法结合起来。尚未衡量水政策,基础设施变化以及更广泛的技术和人口趋势对水需求的影响的重要性。我们演示了一种使用邻域水消耗,家庭基础设施特征和拉斯维加斯植被的数据集分解多种消耗驱动因素的新颖方法。整个拉斯维加斯推动保护的最大可衡量因素是新房消费的减少,而在既定社区中,植被面积正在减少。但是,我们直接测量的因素仅占观察到的消费下降的一半。这提供了间接证据,表明消费量的下降与干旱预警,水浪费的执行增加以及其他政策对策在保护中也起着重要作用。针对基础架构和行为的一系列方法可以有效地减少消耗。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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