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Luminal Stimuli Acutely Sensitize Visceromotor Responses to Distension of the Rat Stomach


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Inflammation can enhance responses to different stimuli consistent with the development of hypersensitivity. To determine whether sequentially applied stimuli interact, we determined visceromotor responses (VMR) to gastric distension, measured at baseline and 60 min after instillation of saline, glycocholic acid (GCA) or ethanol through a gastrostomy in controls and rats with gastric ulcers. In another series of experiments, chemicals were administered before and 60 min after repeated distension of the stomach. Ethanol, but not saline or GCA, increased VMR in controls with a more significant rise in rats with gastric ulcerations. GCA increased responses to gastric distension in controls, whereas GCA and ethanol enhanced responses to gastric distensions in rats with gastric ulcers. Responses to saline, GCA, or ethanol were not affected by repeated noxious distension of the stomach. Luminal stimuli can trigger visceromotor responses and sensitize gastric afferents to mechanical stimulation, thus potentially contributing to dyspeptic symptoms.
机译:炎症可以增强对不同刺激的反应,这与超敏反应的发展相一致。为了确定顺序施加的刺激是否相互作用,我们确定了对胃扩张的内脏肌运动反应(VMR),在基线和通过胃造口术在对照组和患有胃溃疡的大鼠中滴入盐水,乙醇酸(GCA)或乙醇后60分钟测量。在另一系列实验中,在胃部反复扩张之前和之后60分钟施用化学药品。乙醇(而不是生理盐水或GCA)可增加对照组的VMR,且胃溃疡大鼠的VMR显着增加。 GCA增加了对照组对胃扩张的反应,而GCA和乙醇增强了胃溃疡大鼠对胃扩张的反应。反复有害的胃部扩张不会影响对盐水,GCA或乙醇的反应。光刺激可以触发内脏运动反应并使胃传入者对机械刺激敏感,因此可能导致消化不良症状。



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