首页> 外文期刊>Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World >Visualizing Change in Ordinal Measures: Religious Attendance in the United States (1972–2018)

Visualizing Change in Ordinal Measures: Religious Attendance in the United States (1972–2018)




The figure plots self-reports of religious attendance using data from the General Social Survey (1972–2018), contributing to current debates about how religiosity is changing in the United States by clearly showing the relative increase or decrease of each level of religious attendance over time. The main new insight is that the observed decline in religious attendance in the United States has been driven primarily by a large increase in people reporting never attending religious services and a corresponding decrease in people reporting weekly attendance, rather than uniform changes across different levels. Some categories, such as attendance once a month, have seen virtually no change. More generally, the figure may be used as a template for plotting other ordinal measures over time, such as political attitudes or ideology.
机译:这些图绘制了使用来自总体社会调查(1972-2018)的数据的宗教考勤的自我报告,促进了关于宗教系统在美国如何在美国改变的辩论,明确表达每个宗教出勤率的相对增加或减少 时间。 主要的新见解是,美国宗教出勤的下降主要是由于人们报告从未参加宗教服务和报告每周出席的人数相应减少,而不是在不同层面的统一变化的情况下推动。 某些类别,例如每月一次参加,几乎没有变化。 更一般地,该图可以用作绘制随时间的其他序号测量的模板,例如政治态度或意识形态。



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