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Online News and Protest Participation in a Political Context: Evidence from Self-Reported Cross-Sectional Data




Availability of alternative information through social media, in particular, and digital media, in general, is often said to induce social discontent, especially in states where traditional media are under government control. But does this relation really exist, and is it generalizable? This article explores the relationship between self-reported online news consumption and protest participation across 48 nations in 2010–2014. Based on multilevel regression models and simulations, the analysis provides evidence that those respondents who reported that they had attended a protest at least once read news online daily or weekly. The study also shows that the magnitude of the effect varies depending on the political context: surprisingly, despite supposedly unlimited control of offline and online media, autocratic countries demonstrated higher effects of online news than transitional regimes, where the Internet media are relatively uninhibited.
机译:通常,通过社交媒体提供替代信息以及一般数字媒体的替代信息,通常称,常常诱导社会不满,特别是在传统媒体受政府控制的国家。 但这是真的存在的吗?它概括了吗? 本文探讨了2010 - 2014年度自我报告的在线新闻消费与抗议参与的关系。 基于多级回归模型和模拟,分析提供了证据表明,这些受访者报告说他们至少一旦每天或每周阅读新闻的抗议。 该研究还表明,效果的幅度因政治背景而异,



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