首页> 外文期刊>Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research >Soft-bottom exploration of assemblage patterns of the Red Sea amphipods at multiple spatial and vertical scales

Soft-bottom exploration of assemblage patterns of the Red Sea amphipods at multiple spatial and vertical scales




We described here the assemblage patterns accompanying the soft-bottom amphipods on both spatial and vertical scales. During winter 2020, 6820 individuals were collected from Hurghada and Shalateen, the Red Sea coast from five different depths ranging from 0.5 to 35?m. Twenty two amphipod species were recorded of which 18 (82 %) and 9 (41%) species were from Hurghada and Shalateen, respectively.Perioculodes aequimanuswas the most abundant sand amphipod amounting to 17% and 39% in Hurghada and Shalateen, respectively, followed byCeradocus rubromaculatus (27%) in Shalateen, andMetaphoxussp. andBemlossp. (15%) in Hurghada. Depth influenced the total amphipod abundance in Hurghada, while, in Shalateen it showed an opposite assemblage pattern. The multivariate approach based on Non-Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) was helpful to detect differences between the study sites against depths.Sandy bottom composition, temperature, and depth variations were the main factors that influenced the amphipod assemblages according to the PCA and ANOSIM outputs. The SIMPER analysis showed that the amphipodLysianassa ceratinaandLembossp. were the most contributing species to the dissimilarity between the two study sites, whileGuernea petalocerawas the most contributing species to the similarity between Hurghada and Shalateen.
机译:这里描述了在空间和垂直尺度上伴随软底两倍的组装模式。在冬季2020年期间,从赫尔格达和Shalateen收集了6820个,红海海岸从五个不同的深度范围为0.5至35米。记录了二十两种Amphipod物种,分别来自赫尔格达和Shalateen的18(82%)和9种(41%)物种。分别是赫尔格达和希拉谷的最丰富的沙子倍数,占葫芦岛最丰富的砂两栖动物。 Byceradocus rubromaculatus(27%)在Shalateen,Andmetaphoxussp。 andbemlossp。 (15%)在赫尔格达。深度影响了赫尔格达的总Amphipod丰度,而在Shalateen,它显示出相反的组装模式。基于非度量多维缩放(MDS)的多变量方法有助于检测对深度深度的研究部位之间的差异。底部组合物,温度和深度变化是影响根据PCA和PCA和的主要因素Anosim输出。 SIMPER分析表明,AMphipodlysianassa CeratinaAndlembossp。两项研究网站之间是最有贡献的物种,而Guernea叶片之间是赫尔格达和希拉谷之间相似性的最多的种类。



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