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The Comstocks of Cornell: The Definitive Autobiography




What if you realize that a published autobiography is noticeably different from the manuscript that the autobiography is based on? If you have a penchant for naturalist educator Anna Botsford Comstock, who in this case wrote the manuscript, and you are a doctoral candidate at Cornell University, you might give thought to restoring and reconstructing Anna Comstock’s voice in its entirety. Karen Penders St. Clair did just that with her newly edited publication, The Comstocks of Cornell: The Definitive Autobiography. Her work to revise and update Anna Comstock’s diaries took five years of archival research and a patient, sentence-by-sentence comparisons of Anna’s original manuscript to that of an autobiography published in 1953. The result is a noticeably longer text and a grand look at how biologists and biology educators worked, long before the arrival of electron microscopes and genome sequencing.
机译:如果您意识到发布的自传从自传的原稿中明显不同,该怎么办? 如果您对自然主义教育者Anna Botsford Comstock进行了一部Penchant,那么在这种情况下写了稿件,您是康奈尔大学的博士候选人,您可能会思考其整体恢复和重建Anna Comstock的声音。 Karen Penders St. Clair在新编辑的出版物中,康奈尔的玉米座:明确的自传。 她修改和更新安娜古斯科的日记的工作需要五年的档案研究和患者,逐句逐句与1953年发表的自传的原稿的句子比较。结果是一个明显更长的文字和隆重的看法 生物学家和生物学教育者如何工作,在电子显微镜和基因组测序到达之前。



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