首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Applied Psychology >Level of Seeking Marital Counseling Among Married in Siaya County (Kenya)

Level of Seeking Marital Counseling Among Married in Siaya County (Kenya)




Counseling in marriage is aimed at enhancing social cohesion, values, behaviour and beliefs. However, counseling in many African societies remains superficial. The purpose of this study was to establish the level of seeking marital counseling among fishers in Siaya County of Kenya. The purpose of this study was to establish the level of seeking marital counseling among fishers in Siaya County of Kenya. The study used Mixed Methods Research, with a Convergent Mixed Research Design. The population comprised 10370 registered married fishers in the main landing sites of Siaya County from where a sample size of 99 married fisher were selected. Data was collected using interview schedule for married fishers. Most fishers sought marital counseling for serious problems which also varied according to age, length of marriage, type of marriage and parenting status. The study recommends couple's marital counseling be put in place to help the fishers experience marital stability. The study also recommends marital counseling should be enhanced and done at integrated level to procure solutions to marital problems.
机译:婚姻咨询旨在加强社会凝聚力,价值观,行为和信仰。然而,许多非洲社会的咨询仍然是肤浅的。本研究的目的是建立肯尼亚县村县渔民中寻求婚姻咨询的水平。本研究的目的是建立肯尼亚县村县渔民中寻求婚姻咨询的水平。该研究使用了混合方法研究,具有收敛混合研究设计。在Siaya County的主要着陆地点,人口包括10370名已注册的已婚渔民,从中选择了99名已婚费舍尔的样本大小。使用已婚渔民的面试时间表收集数据。大多数渔民为严重问题寻求婚姻咨询,这也根据年龄,婚姻的长度,婚姻和育儿状况而变化。该研究建议将夫妇的婚姻咨询建立起来,以帮助渔民体验婚姻稳定性。该研究还建议加强婚姻咨询,并在综合水平上进行,以采购对婚姻问题的解决方案。



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