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Mid-thigh circumference as an indicator of nutritional status to predict adverse pregnancy outcomes among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women in Malawi




High rates of adverse pregnancy outcomes globally raise the need to understand risk factors and develop preventative interventions. The Pregnancy Outcomes in the Era of Universal Antiretroviral Treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa (POISE Study) was a prospective, observational cohort study conducted from 2016 to 2017 in Blantyre, Malawi. We examine the associations between indicators of nutritional status, specifically mid-thigh circumference (MTC) and body-mass index (BMI), and adverse pregnancy outcomes, low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth (PTB), and small-for-gestational age (SGA), in a cohort of HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women. Sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, and maternal height, weight and MTC data were collected immediately before or after delivery at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QEHC) and 4 affiliated health centers in Blantyre, Malawi. LBW was defined as birth weight??2.5?kg; PTB as gestational age??37?weeks using Ballard score; and SGA as birth weight??10th percentile for gestational age. Descriptive, stratified, and multivariable logistic regression were conducted using R. Data from 1298 women were analyzed: 614 HIV-infected and 684 HIV-uninfected. MTC was inversely associated with LBW (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]?=?0.95, p?=?0.03) and PTB (aOR 0.92, p??0.001), after controlling for HIV status, age, socioeconomic status and hemoglobin. The association between MTC and SGA was (aOR 0.99, p?=?0.53). Similarly, higher BMI was significantly associated with lower odds of PTB (aOR 0.90, p??0.001), LBW (aOR 0.93, p?=?0.05), and SGA (aOR 0.95, p?=?0.04). We observed an inverse relationship between MTC and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Malawi irrespective of HIV infection. MTC performs comparably to BMI; the ease of measuring MTC could make it a practical tool in resource-constrained settings for identification of women at risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
机译:全球性不良妊娠成果的高速度提高了理解风险因素和制定预防性干预的必要性。撒哈拉以南非洲(POISE研究)在亚撒哈拉非洲普遍抗逆转录病毒治疗时代的妊娠结果是从2016年到2017年在Malawi的Blantyre进行了一项前瞻性观察队列研究。我们检查营养状况指标,特别是中大肠周长(MTC)和体重指数(BMI)之间的关联,以及不良妊娠结果,低出生体重(LBW),早产(PTB),以及小于 - 胎儿年龄(SGA),在艾滋病毒感染和艾滋病毒无感染妇女的队列中。在伊丽莎白女王中央医院(QEHC)和3岁的Blantyre,Malawi,立即收集了社会渗目,临床,实验室和母体高度,重量和MTC数据。 LBW被定义为出生体重?&?2.5?kg; PTB作为胎龄?&?37?37?37?几周使用巴拉德分数;和SGA为出生体重?&?10百分位为孕龄。使用R.分析1298名妇女的数据进行了描述性,分层和多变量的逻辑回归:614艾滋病毒感染和684艾滋病毒未感染。 MTC与LBW相反(调整后的差距[AOR] =Δ=?0.95,p?=Δ03)和PTB(AOR 0.92,P≤0.001),控制艾滋病毒状态,年龄,社会经济地位和血红蛋白后。 MTC和SGA之间的关联(AOR 0.99,P?= 0.53)。类似地,较高的BMI与较低的PTB的几率显着相关(AOR 0.90,P≤0.001),LBW(AOR 0.93,P?0.05)和SGA(AOR 0.95,P?= 0.04)。无论HIV感染如何,我们都观察到MTC和Malawi的不良妊娠结果之间的反比关系。 MTC相当于BMI执行;测量MTC的易用性可以使其成为资源受限设置中的实用工具,以鉴定受不良妊娠结果的患者的妇女。



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