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COVID-19 lockdown: impact on online gambling, online shopping, web navigation and online pornography




Background: The COVID-19 pandemic and control measures may have had an impact on unpleasant emotions experimented during the lockdown (LD). This may have increased the number of hours spent online and could have impacted the quality of the enacted behavior, in terms of loss of control of Internet use. In this online survey, we were interested in measure how much loss of control was perceived regarding online gambling, online shopping, the fruition of online pornographic content and web navigation.Design and methods: The online survey was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic in the post-lockdown and 1232 subjects participated in the survey. In the participating sample, healthcare workers (HW) were 43.1% of the sample, of which 18.7% were directly involved in the Coronavirus emergency, and 52.3% of the sample is not a HW. Only 0.6% of the sample gambled online and 37.5% of those reported losing control of their gambling mode. Most of the sample shopped online during the LD (70.1%), but only 7.2% of those lost control by buying and/or spending more than what they had set themselves.Results: Significant data emerged showing that those who lost control while online shopping also lost control regarding the amount of time spent online (p0.001); 21.6% of the sample, reported making use of online pornographic material during LD, 4.7% of them stated that the frequency increased and 5.1% reported losing control by having spent more money or more time than what was intended. Finally, 44.7% of the sample have experienced loss of control during the web navigation. Furthermore, during the LD 67.8% of the sample reports having experienced unpleasant emotions. Of these, 8.4% state that they enacted behaviors such as online gambling, online shopping, online pornographic material viewing and web navigation to counter their negative emotions. Interestingly, we found a correlation between loss of control during web navigation and online shopping and the emotional states “upset”, “scared” and “restless” (p0.05).Conclusion: To conclude, there was no significant increase in potentially addictive behaviors, nor an increase in loss of control of these behaviors when enacted online. However, the loss of control in online shopping and web navigation was significantly correlated to the unpleasant emotional states of nervousness, fear and restlessness, whereas those who reported feeling strong and able to handle the situation experienced a lower loss of control in their web navigation. These correlations may suggest that these online behaviors may act as modulators of unpleasant emotional states.
机译:背景:Covid-19大流行和控制措施可能对在锁定(LD)期间进行的令人不快的情绪产生影响。这可能增加了在线花费的小时数,并且在互联网使用的控制丧失方面可能会影响颁布行为的质量。在这个在线调查中,我们有兴趣衡量在线赌博,在线购物,在线色情内容和Web导航的崩溃感兴趣的控制程度。指导和方法:在Covid-19大流行期间进行了在线调查在锁定后和1232个科目参加了调查。在参与样本中,医疗保健工人(HW)的样品43.1%,其中18.7%直接参与冠状病毒紧急情况,52.3%的样品不是HW。只有0.6%的样品在线赌博,37.5%的那些报告失去控制他们的赌博模式。在LD期间的大多数样本在线购物(70.1%),但通过购买和/或支出超过他们所置身的人只有7.2%的控制权。结果:出现了重要数据,表明那些在线购物失去控制的数据还对在线花费的时间量进行了控制(P <0.001); 21.6%的样品,报告在LD期间利用在线色情素质,其中4.7%表示,频率增加和5.1%通过花费更多的金额或更多时间来减少控制权。最后,在Web导航期间,44.7%的样品经历了对控制的丧失。此外,在LD 67.8%的样本报告中具有经历的令人不快的情绪。其中,8.4%的状态是他们制定了在线赌博,网上购物,在线色情材料查看和网络导航等行为,以抵消他们的负面情绪。有趣的是,我们发现网络导航和在线购物期间控制损失与情感状态之间的相关性,“令人不安”,“害怕”和“不安”(P <0.05)。结论,潜在成瘾的无显着增加行为,也没有增加在线颁布时这些行为的控制。然而,在线购物和网络导航中的控制丧失与不愉快,恐惧和躁动的令人不快的情绪状态显着相关,而那些报道的人感到强大,能够处理这种情况的损失在他们的网络导航中较低。这些相关性可能表明这些在线行为可以充当不愉快情绪状态的调节器。



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