首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Public Health >Exposures and Emissions in Coffee Roasting Facilities and Cafés: Diacetyl, 2,3-Pentanedione, and Other Volatile Organic Compounds

Exposures and Emissions in Coffee Roasting Facilities and Cafés: Diacetyl, 2,3-Pentanedione, and Other Volatile Organic Compounds




Roasted coffee and many coffee flavorings emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. Exposures to VOCs during roasting, packaging, grinding, and flavoring coffee can negatively impact the respiratory health of workers. Inhalational exposures to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione can cause obliterative bronchiolitis. This study summarizes exposures to and emissions of VOCs in 17 coffee roasting and packaging facilities that included 10 cafés. We collected 415 personal and 760 area full-shift, and 606 personal task-based air samples for diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, 2,3-hexanedione, and acetoin using silica gel tubes. We also collected 296 instantaneous activity and 312 instantaneous source air measurements for 18 VOCs using evacuated canisters. The highest personal full-shift exposure in part per billion (ppb) to diacetyl [geometric mean (GM) 21 ppb; 95th percentile (P95) 79 ppb] and 2,3-pentanedione (GM 15 ppb; P95 52 ppb) were measured for production workers in flavored coffee production areas. These workers also had the highest percentage of measurements above the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) for diacetyl (95%) and 2,3-pentanedione (77%). Personal exposures to diacetyl (GM 0.9 ppb; P95 6.0 ppb) and 2,3-pentanedione (GM 0.7 ppb; P95 4.4 ppb) were the lowest for non-production workers of facilities that did not flavor coffee. Job groups with the highest personal full-shift exposures to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione were flavoring workers (GM 34 and 38 ppb), packaging workers (GM 27 and 19 ppb) and grinder operator (GM 26 and 22 ppb), respectively, in flavored coffee facilities, and packaging workers (GM 8.0 and 4.4 ppb) and production workers (GM 6.3 and 4.6 ppb) in non-flavored coffee facilities. Baristas in cafés had mean full-shift exposures below the RELs (GM 4.1 ppb diacetyl; GM 4.6 ppb 2,3-pentanedione). The tasks, activities, and sources associated with flavoring in flavored coffee facilities and grinding in non-flavored coffee facilities, had some of the highest GM and P95 estimates for both diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. Controlling emissions at grinding machines and flavoring areas and isolating higher exposure areas (e.g., flavoring, grinding, and packaging areas) from the main production space and from administrative or non-production spaces is essential for maintaining exposure control.
机译:烤咖啡和许多咖啡调味剂发出挥发性有机化合物(VOC),包括二乙酰和2,3-戊酰胺。在烤,包装,磨削和调味咖啡期间将VOC的风险产生负面影响工人的呼吸系统。对二乙酰和2,3-戊酰胺的吸入曝光会导致灭菌性支气管炎。本研究总结了17个咖啡烘焙和包装设施中的VOC的风险和排放,包括10咖啡馆。我们收集了415个个人和760个区域全换档,以及使用硅胶管的二乙酰,2,3-戊二酮,2,3-己二酮和丙酮的606个个人任务的空气样品。我们还通过抽空的罐收集了18 VOC的296次瞬时活动和312个瞬时源空气测量。百百亿(PPB)的最高个人全移暴露于二乙酰基[几何平均值(GM)21 ppb; 95百分位数(p95)79 ppb]和2,3-戊酰胺(GM 15 ppb; p95 52 ppb)用于调味咖啡生产区域的生产工人。这些工人还具有高于Niosh推荐暴露极限(Rel)的最高率的测量值(Rel),用于二乙酰基(95%)和2,3-戊酰胺(77%)。对二乙酰的个人曝光(GM 0.9 ppb; p95 6.0 ppb)和2,3-戊酰胺(GM 0.7 ppb; p95 4.4 ppb)是不生产咖啡的设施的非生产工人的最低。与二乙酰基和2,3-戊酰胺的职业全移露曝光最高的工作组是调味工人(GM 34和38 PPB),包装工人(GM 27和19 PPB)和研磨机操作员(GM 26和22 PPB) ,味道咖啡设施,以及包装工人(GM 8.0和4.4 PPB)和生产工人(GM 6.3和4.6 PPB),在非调味咖啡设施中。咖啡馆中的Baristas意味着rels以下的全换档曝光(GM 4.1 PPB二乙酰基因4.6 PPB 2,3-戊酰胺)。与味道咖啡设施调味相关的任务,活动和来源以及在非调味咖啡设施中研磨,具有一些最高的GM和P95估计,两种二乙酰和2,3-戊酰胺。控制磨床和调味区的排放以及从主要生产空间和行政或非生产空间中隔离更高的曝光区域(例如,调味,磨削和包装区域,对于维持暴露控制至关重要。


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