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Deployment of the consultation-liaison model in adult and child-adolescent psychiatry and its impact on improving mental health treatment

机译:成人和儿童青少年精神病学咨询 - 联络模型的部署及其对改善心理健康待遇的影响



Little information exists on the perceptions of psychiatrists regarding the implementation and various impacts of the consultation-liaison model. This model has been used in Quebec (Canada) through the function of specialist respondent-psychiatrists (SRP) since 2009. This study assessed the main activities, barriers or facilitators, and impact of SRP in adult and child-adolescent psychiatry on the capacity of service providers in primary care and youth centers to treat patients with mental health disorders (MHD). Data included 126 self-administered questionnaires from SRP and semi-structured interviews from 48 SRP managers. Mixed methods were used, with qualitative findings from managers complementing the SRP survey. Comparative analyses of SRP responses in adult versus child-adolescent psychiatry were also conducted. Psychiatrists dedicated a median 24.12?h/month to the SRP function, mainly involving case discussions with primary care teams or youth centers. They were confident about the level of support they provided and satisfied with their influence in clinical decision-making, but less satisfied with the support provided by their organizations. SRP evaluated their impacts on clinical practice as moderate, particularly among general practitioners (GP). SRP working in child-adolescent psychiatry were more comfortable, motivated, and positive about their overall performance and impact than in adult psychiatry. Organizational barriers (e.g. team instability) were most prevalent, followed by system-level factors (e.g. network size and complexity, lack of resources, model inflexibility) and individual factors (e.g. GP reluctance to treat patients with MHD). Organizational facilitators included support from family medicine group directors, collaboration with university family medicine groups and coordination by liaison nurses; at the system level, pre-existing relationships and working in the same institution; while individual-level facilitators included SRP personality and strong organizational support. Quebec SRP were implemented sparingly in family medicine groups and youth centers, while SRP viewed their overall impact as moderate. Results were more positive in child-adolescent psychiatry than in adult psychiatry. Increased support for the SRP function, adapting the model to GP in need of more direct support, and resolving key system issues may improve SRP effectiveness in terms of team stability, coordination among providers, access to MH services and readiness to implement innovations.
机译:对精神科医生的看法有关咨询 - 联络模型的实施以及各种影响,存在很少的信息。自2009年以来,该模型已在魁北克(加拿大)在魁北克(加拿大)使用。本研究评估了对成人和儿童青少年精神病学的主要活动,障碍或促进者以及SRP对成人和儿童青少年的影响初级保健和青少年服务提供商治疗心理健康障碍患者(MHD)。数据包括来自SRP和半结构化访谈的126次自我管理问卷,来自48名SRP经理。使用混合方法,来自管理员补充SRP调查的经理有定性结果。还进行了成人与儿童青少年精神病学的SRP反应的比较分析。精神科医生致力于24.12号中位数到SRP功能,主要涉及与初级保健团队或青年中心的案例讨论。他们对他们在临床决策的影响方面提供和满足的支持水平,但对其组织提供的支持不太满意。 SRP评估了对临床实践的影响,特别是一般从业者(GP)。在儿童 - 青少年精神病学中的SRP更舒适,有动力,积极的整体表现和影响而不是成年精神病学。组织障碍(例如,团队不稳定)最普遍,其次是系统级因子(例如,网络规模和复杂性,资源缺乏,模型不灵活性)和个人因素(例如,GP不愿治疗MHD患者)。组织协调人包括家庭医学集团董事的支持,与大学家庭医学团体合作,并由联络护士协调;在系统级别,预先存在的关系和在同一机构工作;虽然个人级别的促进者包括SRP人格和强大的组织支持。魁北克省SRP谨慎地在家庭医学团体和青年中心实施,而SRP则将其整体影响视为中度。结果在儿童青少年精神病学比成人精神病学中更积极。增加对SRP功能的支持,将模型适应GP需要更直接的支持,解决关键系统问题可能会在团队稳定,协调提供商之间的协调,获取MH服务和准备就准备实施创新的效果。



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