首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Differences in Cognitive-Perceptual Factors Arising From Variations in Self-Professed Paranormal Ability

Differences in Cognitive-Perceptual Factors Arising From Variations in Self-Professed Paranormal Ability




This study examined whether scores on indices related to subclinical delusion formation and thinking style varied as a function of level of self-professed paranormal ability. To assess this, the researchers compared three groups differing in personal ascription of paranormal powers: no ability, self-professed ability, and paranormal practitioners (i.e., Mediums, Psychics, Spiritualists, and Fortune-Tellers). Paranormal practitioners (compared with no and self-professed ability conditions) were expected to score higher on paranormal belief, proneness to reality testing deficits, emotion-based reasoning, and lower on belief in science. Comparable differences were predicted between the self-professed and no ability conditions. A sample of 917 respondents (329 males, 588 females) completed self-report measures online. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed an overall main effect. Further investigation, using discriminant descriptive analysis, indicated that paranormal practitioners scored higher on proneness to reality testing deficits, paranormal belief, and emotion-based reasoning. Belief in science did not meaningfully contribute to the discriminant function. Overall, results were consistent with previous academic work in the domains of paranormal belief and experience, which has reported that paranormal-related cognitions and perceptions are associated with factors related to subclinical delusion formation (i.e., emotion-based/intuitive thinking).
机译:本研究审查了是否与亚临床妄想形成和思维方式相关的指数上的分数随着自称自称偏执的级别而变化。为了评估这一点,研究人员比较了三个群体的个人归属于自由权的个人归属:没有能力,自称能力和妄想从业者(即中等,心理学,灵性主义者和财富柜员)。预计超自然的从业者(与无自由宣称的能力条件)预计会在Paranormal信仰中得分更高,对现实测试赤字,情感的推理和对科学的信仰降低。自称和无能力条件之间预测了可比差异。 917名受访者的样本(329名男性,588名女性)在线完成了自我报告措施。多元差异分析(MANOVA)揭示了整体效果。进一步调查,使用判别描述性分析表明,按普拉纳尔从业者对现实测试缺陷,超自然信仰和情感推理的倾向较高。对科学的信念没有有意义地促进判别职能。总体而言,结果与先前的超自然信仰和经验中的学术工作符合,据报道,妄想相关的认知和感知与与亚临床妄想形成有关的因素有关(即情绪为基础/直观思维)。



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