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Agreement Between Mothers and Fieldworkers While Assessing Child Development Using Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition in Nepal




Background: The Ages and Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) is becoming a widely used developmental assessment tool. The ASQ-3 can be completed by the caregivers (referred to as “mail out”), or by trained personnel under direct observation of the children (referred to as “home procedure”). Aim: The study was carried out to compare results obtained by the ASQ mail out with those of the ASQ home procedure in a community setting of Bhaktapur, Nepal. Methods: Trained fieldworkers (FWs) performed developmental assessment of 134 children aged 9 months in their homes using the ASQ home procedure. A few days before these assessments, mothers were asked to fill in the same ASQ-3 questionnaire. The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was calculated to measure their agreement. Result: The agreement between the ASQ mail out and home procedure was fair for the total score (CCC = 0.54). For the sub-scales, the agreement was good for the gross motor (CCC = 0.65), for the remaining subscales agreement was poor (CCC 0.4). Conclusion: In resource limited setting like Nepal, the ASQ mail out represents an easy method to assess child development by caretakers at home; however, with the poor agreement between different methods of assessments, we cannot conclude that a single method is superior or most optimal and this question should be investigated further. When either of the method home procedure or mail out is opted, the results should be interpreted with cautions.
机译:背景:年龄和阶段问卷,第三版(ASQ-3)正在成为一种广泛使用的发展评估工具。 ASQ-3可以由护理人员(称为“邮寄”),或通过培训的人员直接观察儿童(称为“家庭程序”)。目的:该研究进行了比较ASQ邮寄在尼泊尔Bhaktapur的社区设置中的ASQ家庭程序所获得的结果。方法:培训的野外工(FWS)使用ASQ家庭程序在其房屋中进行了134岁儿童的发育评估。在这些评估前几天,母亲被要求填写相同的ASQ-3问卷。计算一致性相关系数(CCC)以衡量其协议。结果:ASQ邮件与家庭程序之间的协议是公平的总分(CCC = 0.54)。对于子尺度,协议适用于总电机(CCC = 0.65),对于剩余的储物协议差(CCC& 0.4)。结论:在尼泊尔等资源有限的环境中,ASQ邮件代表了在家中评估儿童发展的简单方法;然而,随着不同评估方法之间的差,我们不能得出结论,单一方法是优越的或最佳的,并且应该进一步调查这个问题。 When either of the method home procedure or mail out is opted, the results should be interpreted with cautions.



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