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Reactive Aggression Affects Response Inhibition to Angry Expressions in Adolescents: An Event-Related Potential Study Using the Emotional Go/No-Go Paradigm

机译:反应性侵略对青少年的愤怒表达影响反应抑制:使用情感GO / No-Go Paradigm的事件相关的潜在研究



Although it is well established that response inhibition to angry expressions is impaired among reactively aggressive adolescents, the cognitive processes underlying this effect remain unclear. The main goal of our study was to investigate the time course of response inhibition to angry expressions in reactively aggressive adolescents compared to controls. In total, 23 reactively aggressive adolescents and 23 control adolescents were recruited to participate in an event-related potential (ERP) study measuring response inhibition to angry expressions with an emotional Go/No-go paradigm. The results showed that when presented angry or happy expressions, reactively aggressive adolescents showed a smaller No-go P3 effect than the control group. These results indicate that response inhibition to angry expressions in reactively aggressive adolescents is impaired at the later stage of the actual inhibitory control. The characteristics of response inhibition to happy expressions in reactively aggressive adolescents are similar to those in response to angry expressions.
机译:尽管在反应性侵略性青少年之间对愤怒表达的反应抑制是很好的,但是这种效果的认知过程仍然不清楚。我们研究的主要目标是调查与对照组相比,对反应性侵袭性青少年的愤怒表达的时间进程。总共招募了23个反应性侵略性青少年和23个控制青少年,参加了与情绪GO / No-Go Paradigm的愤怒表达的对愤怒表达的响应抑制的研究潜在的潜在(ERP)。结果表明,当给出愤怒或幸福的表达时,反应性积极的青少年表现出比对照组的较小的禁止P3效果。这些结果表明,在实际抑制控制的后期阶段受到反应性侵蚀青少年中的愤怒表达的反应抑制。反应性侵蚀青少年的幸福表达的反应抑制特征与愤怒表达的反应相似。



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