首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Imaging Radionuclide Therapy >Unexpected Detection of Abscessualized Lung Carcinoma on Tc-99m-HMPAO-labeled Leukocytes Scintigraphy Misdiagnosed on Chest Computed Tomography

Unexpected Detection of Abscessualized Lung Carcinoma on Tc-99m-HMPAO-labeled Leukocytes Scintigraphy Misdiagnosed on Chest Computed Tomography




Technetium-99m (Tc-99m)-hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (HMPAO)-labeled leukocytes scintigraphy is well established for investigating and diagnosing infections in bone and soft tissue, as well as for the detection of occult infection. A 71-year-old female who was recently diagnosed with bronchopulmonary neuroendocrine tumor of the right lung was referred for an intermittent fever of unknown origin associated with chill at night for the last month. Chest computed tomography (CT) scan showed a thrombotic widespread of the superior vena cava and a solid pathological tissue in the superior segment of the inferior lobe of the right lung with consensual atelectasis. Being a carrier of port-a-cath, an infection of this device was suspected. Therefore, Tc-99m-HMPAO-labeled leukocytes single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was performed, and matching pairs of CT scan and Tc-99m-HMPAO-labeled white blood cell SPECT images were fused. Through this means, it was found that the area of the radiotracer increased uptake corresponded with the soft tissue density mass detected by CT scan localized at the inferior lobe of the right lung. The hybrid SPECT/CT fused imaging was crucial for diagnosis of the presence of a lung abscess localized in correspondence with the known lung cancer region.
机译:Technetium-99M(TC-99M) - 己酰亚甲基丙烷肟(HMPAO) - 标记的白细胞闪烁扫描,用于调查和诊断骨骼和软组织中感染,以及检测神秘感染。一位71岁的女性最近被诊断出患有右肺的支气管肺部神经内分泌肿瘤,在上个月夜晚的晚上夜晚的未知起源的间歇性发热。胸部计算断层扫描(CT)扫描显示出高腔静脉的血栓形成普及,并在右肺的较差叶片的上段中的固体病理组织,具有持续的肺肺的较差型。作为Port-A-Cath的载体,怀疑该装置的感染。因此,进行TC-99M-HMPaO标记的白细胞单光子发射计算断层扫描(SPECT),并融合了匹配的CT扫描和TC-99M-HMPAO标记的白细胞SPECT图像。通过这意味着,发现放射反射体的面积增加了摄取对应于通过在右肺的下叶中局部化的CT扫描检测到的软组织密度质量。杂交SPECT / CT融合成像对于诊断局部存在于与已知的肺癌区的肺脓肿存在的关键是至关重要的。



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