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What is news? Marking the 50th issue of Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter

机译:什么是新闻? 标志着Minpaku人类学时事通讯的第50期



“News” by definition refers to something “new” but what is new for one person can be old for another, and vice versa. News reports from a century ago, may speak not just of their own time, but of events and things and human relationships that are surprising and “new” for later generations. Our newsletter, first published in December 1995, is merely 24 years and 50 issues old, but it already records the transition from a first generation of Minpaku staff and their research, to a new generation of staff who have mostly arrived within the last several years. The newsletter thus serves as a biographical history of the Museum, a history of research themes, topics, conferences, and exhibitions, and a history of change and reorientation as the world around us changes. Since 1995, there have been two constants: the Museum remains a research institute focused on human life in all its facets, through the approaches of anthropology, museology, and related disciplines, and the primary audience of the Newsletter includes former visiting scholars, research collaborators, and staff. In his inaugural message for the first issue in 1995, the second Director General of the Museum, SASAKI Komei introduced the Newsletter as follows:“We are proud that the Museum has accommodated about 350 overseas researchers from a total of 49 different nations around the world from its foundation [1974] to the present... The initiative to launch the Newsletter is aimed at creating a forum of personal exchange between the Museum faculty in Japan and researchers abroad, by sharing information and deepening mutual understanding... we are going to make every effort to expand a human network through its medium, to promote exchanges of views in the international community of anthropology and the study of museums. This should help us to deepen our understanding of the many issues of diversity that we are trying to resolve. It is also our sincere hope that this contribution to the global network will enhance international understanding among nations as we move towards the 21st century.
机译:“新闻”根据定义是指“新”,但一个人为另一个人来说是新的东西,反之亦然。来自一个世纪前的新闻报道,不仅仅是他们自己的时间,而是对后代的令人惊讶和“新”的事件和事物和人际关系。我们的时事通讯,于1995年12月首次出版,仅仅是24年和50个问题,但它已经记录了第一代Minpaku工作人员及其研究的过渡,这是一个新一代的工作人员,主要抵达过去几年。因此,通讯作为博物馆的传记历史,研究主题,主题,会议和展览会的历史,以及随着我们周围的世界变化的变革和重新定向的历史。自1995年以来,已有两件常数:博物馆仍然是一项研究所,专注于其所有方面的人类生活,通过人类学,博物馆博物馆和相关学科的方法,以及通讯的主要受众包括前访问学者,研究合作者和工作人员。在1995年第一期的首次留言中,博物馆第二届董事,Sasaki Komei介绍了如下的通讯:“我们为博物馆提供了大约350名海外研究人员,从全球共有49个不同的国家提供了约350名海外研究人员从其基金会[1974]到现在......启动时事通讯的倡议旨在通过分享信息和深化相互理解,在日本和国外研究人员之间创造一个个人交流论坛。我们正在进行尽一切努力通过其媒体扩大人类网络,促进国际人类学界和博物馆研究中的宣传。这应该帮助我们深化我们对我们正在努力解决的多样性问题的理解。这也是我们真诚的希望,这对全球网络的贡献将加强各国之间的国际理解,因为我们走向21世纪。



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