首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Public Health >Prevalence and Risk Factors for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients From 14 Countries: Estimates of the INTERPRET-DD Study

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients From 14 Countries: Estimates of the INTERPRET-DD Study




Aim: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common, severe microvascular complication of diabetes. Our study was to assess prevalence and risk factors for DPN in subjects with type 2 diabetes from 14 different countries. Methods: A total of 2,733 subjects with type 2 diabetes aged 18–65 years (45.3% men, mean duration of diabetes = 8.8 years) were included to perform this International Prevalence and Treatment of Diabetes and Depression (INTERPRET-DD) study in 14 countries. After a structured questionnaire was used in face-to-face interviews to collect sociodemographic characteristics and medical records of the participating subjects, laboratory tests were carried out for clinical measurement. Depressive symptoms were diagnosed and measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. The potential risk factors for DPN were determined by multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression, accounting for clustering of participants within the country. Robustness of the estimates was assessed by sensitivity analysis. Results: The overall prevalence of DPN across different countries was 26.71%, whereas country-specific prevalences showed considerable variation. Multivariate analysis revealed that duration of diabetes (OR: 1.08 per 1-year increase, 95% CI: 1.06–1.09), poor glycemic control (OR: 1.11 per 1% increase in HbA1c, 95% CI: 1.05–1.18), and history of hypertension (OR: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.18–2.12), cardiovascular disease (OR: 2.07, 95% CI: 1.55–2.78) and depressive symptoms (OR: 1.92, 95% CI: 1.43–2.58) were independently and positively associated with the risk of DPN. Sensitivity analyses including or excluding patients from countries with extreme low or high prevalence of DPN yielded similar estimates in terms of trend and magnitude. Conclusions: This international study illustrates that more than a quarter of individuals with type 2 diabetes developed DPN. The prevalence was positively associated with the duration of diabetes, poor glycemic control, and history of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and depressive symptoms.
机译:目的:糖尿病外周神经病变(DPN)是一种常见的严重的微血管复杂性糖尿病。我们的研究是评估来自14名不同国家的2型糖尿病患者的DPN的患病率和风险因素。方法:包括2,733名受试者,患18-65岁的2型糖尿病(45.3%,糖尿病= 8.8岁),以履行这一国际患病率和治疗糖尿病和抑郁(解释-DD)研究14国家。在面对面访谈中使用结构化问卷后,为参与受试者收集社会血管性特征和医疗记录,对临床测量进行了实验室测试。使用患者健康问卷-9诊断和测量抑郁症状和测量。 DPN的潜在风险因素由多级混合效应逻辑回归确定,核算国家内部参与者的聚类。通过敏感性分析评估估计的稳健性。结果:不同国家的DPN的总体流行率为26.71%,而国家特异性普遍表现出相当大的变化。多变量分析显示,糖尿病持续时间(或每1岁增加1.08倍,95%CI:1.06-1.09),血糖控制不良(或:1.11每1%的HBA1C增加,95%CI:1.05-1.18),和高血压病史(或:1.58,95%CI:1.18-2.12),心血管疾病(或:2.07,95%:1.55-2.78)和抑郁症状(或:1.92,95%CI:1.43-2.58)是独立的与DPN的风险正相关。敏感性分析包括或排除来自DPN极端低或高患病率的国家的患者在趋势和幅度方面产生了类似的估计。结论:本届国际研究表明,超过四分之一的患有2型糖尿病的个体开发了DPN。患病率与糖尿病持续时间呈正相关,血糖性差,高血压,心血管疾病和抑郁症状的历史。



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