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Social position in a peer group of school-aged boys and selected biological parameters




The period of adolescence includes biological, psychological and social maturation. All these processes complement and affect each other. The ultimate goal is the transition from childhood to adulthood which enables individuals to become socialized beings, who are psychologically mature and able to pass on their genetic inheritance. In the process of reaching full maturity, adolescents are exposed to both positive and negative stimuli the socio-cultural environment. In the process of socialization, the influence of peers, and the maturing into social roles is important. At the same time, adolescents mature biologically. A holistic understanding of the sequence of changes that occur during adolescence foregrounds the significance of biology in informing emotions and cognition. Research conducted on adolescents from Wroc?aw, Poland, showed the impact that physical development plays on social development within a school peer group. Adolescents with a slower pace of maturity, lower BMI, and lower body height achieved the lowest social status in the group’s hierarchy. These adolescents also became victims of peer rejection. The role of scapegoat assigned to them highlighted and completed the symptomatic rejection process, which highlighted negative social group behaviours. In contrast, their peers from the same classes, with higher biological parameters, became leaders in the school’s social groups. Furthermore, sociometric ‘stars’, leaders and gray eminences, compared to scapegoats, achieved maturity faster, and had greater body height and higher BMI among all age groups.
机译:青春期的时期包括生物学,心理和社会成熟。所有这些过程都补充并相互影响。最终目标是从童年到成年的过渡,使个人能够成为社会化的生物,谁是心理上成熟并且能够通过他们的遗传继承。在达到完全成熟的过程中,青少年暴露于社会文化环境的积极和负面刺激。在社会化过程中,同龄人的影响以及社会角色的成熟很重要。同时,青少年成熟生物学上。对青春期前景期间发生的变化序列的整体理解生物学在信息与认知中的意义。从WROC的青少年进行研究,波兰展示了物理发展在学校同行组内的社会发展的影响。成熟步伐速度较慢,较低的BMI和下半身高度速度较慢的青少年在集团的层次结构中取得了最低的社会地位。这些青少年也成为了同行拒绝的受害者。 Scapegoat分配给他们的角色突出显示并完成了对症拒绝过程,这突出了负面的社会团体行为。相比之下,他们的同伴具有更高的生物参数,成为学校的社会群体的领导者。此外,与替罪羊相比,社会计量的“恒星”,领导者和灰色归属更快地实现了成熟度,并且在所有年龄组中具有更大的身体高度和更高的BMI。



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