首页> 外文期刊>The journal of high energy physics >Magnetic quivers, Higgs branches and 6d N = 1 , 0 $$ mathcal{N} = left(1,kern0.5em 0ight) $$ theories

Magnetic quivers, Higgs branches and 6d N = 1 , 0 $$ mathcal{N} = left(1,kern0.5em 0ight) $$ theories

机译:磁Quivers,Higgs分支和6d n = 1 0 $$ mathcal {n} = left(1, kern0.5em 0 右)$$ 理论



A bstract The physics of M5 branes placed near an M9 plane on an A -type ALE singularity exhibits a variety of phenomena that introduce additional massless degrees of freedom. There are tensionless strings whenever two M5 branes coincide or whenever an M5 brane approaches the M9 plane. These systems do not admit a low-energy Lagrangian description so new techniques are desirable to shed light on the physics of these phenomena. The 6-dimensional N = 1 , 0 $$ mathcal{N} = left(1,kern0.5em 0ight) $$ world-volume theory on the M5 branes is composed of massless vector, tensor, and hyper multiplets, and has two branches of the vacuum moduli space where either the scalar fields in the tensor or hyper multiplets receive vacuum expectation values. Focusing on the Higgs branch of the low-energy theory, previous works suggest the conjecture that a new Higgs branch arises whenever a BPS-string becomes tensionless. Consequently, a single theory admits a multitude of Higgs branches depending on the types of tensionless strings in the spectrum. The two main phenomena discrete gauging and small E ~(8) instanton transition can be treated in a concise and effective manner by means of Coulomb branches of 3-dimensional N = 4 $$ mathcal{N} = 4 $$ gauge theories. In this paper, a formalism is introduced that allows to derive a novel object from a brane configuration, called the magnetic quiver . The main features are as follows: (i) the 3d Coulomb branch of the magnetic quiver yields the Higgs branch of the 6d system, (ii) all discrete gauging and E ~(8)instanton transitions have an explicit brane realisation, and (iii) exceptional symmetries arise directly from brane configurations. The formalism facilitates the description of Higgs branches at finite and infinite gauge coupling as spaces of dressed monopole operators.
机译:甲bstract M5的物理branes置于M9平面附近上的A型ALE奇点表现出的多种引入额外无质量自由度现象。还有,只要两个M5 branes一致或每当M5 brane的接近M9平面无张力的字符串。这些系统不承认低能拉格朗日描述,这样新的技术需要对这些现象的物理线索。 6维N = 1,0 $$ mathcal {N} = 左(1, kern0.5em 0 右)$$世界卷上的M5 branes理论是由无质量矢量的,张量,和超多重峰,并具有真空模空间,其中无论是在张量或超多重的标量场接收真空期望值的两个分支。着眼于低能量理论的希格斯分支,以前的作品表明,一个新的分支希格斯每当出现一个BPS-字符串变成无张力的猜想。因此,一个单一的理论也承认这取决于类型的光谱无张力串的希格斯分支众多。两个主要现象离散计量和小E〜(8)过渡瞬可以以简洁的和有效的方式由3-维n库仑分支来处理= 4 $$ mathcal {N} = 4 $$规范理论。在本文中,一个形式主义被引入,允许从一个brane的结构,被称为磁性颤动导出新物体。的主要特点如下:(i)所述磁性颤动的3D库仑分支产生了6D系统的希格斯分支,(ii)所有离散的计量和E〜(8)瞬转变具有明确brane的实现,和(iii )例外对称性从brane的配置而直接产生。形式主义便于希格斯分支中的有限和无限计耦合作为穿着单极算子空间的描述。



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