首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Dental and Medical Research >Extraosseous Dentinogenic Ghost Cell Tumors (EDGCT): a Case Report and Review of the Literature

Extraosseous Dentinogenic Ghost Cell Tumors (EDGCT): a Case Report and Review of the Literature




Extraosseous Dentinogenic Ghost Cell Tumors (EDGCT) is a benign tumor of mesenchymal origin that is uncommon in the oral and maxillofacial region and forms only 2% of all odontogenic tumors. It was previously known as Calcifying odontogenic cyst and only recently has been classified as a tumor by WHO. The lesion is a benign cystic neoplasm of odontogenic origin that is characterized by ameloblastoma-like epithelial cells and ghost cells. Both intra-osseous and extraosseous forms of CCOT have been reported. It commonly occurs in anterior region with equal preponderance in maxilla and mandible. Most EDGCTs are located in the anterior gingiva of the mandible or maxilla. Based on the clinical, radiographical and histopathological findings the lesion was diagnosed as EDGCT and surgically excised under local anasthesia. Here we present a rare case of EDGCT in the anterior maxilla of a 12-year-old female patient that was discovered incidentally during a clinical examination arising beneath the mucosa of the anterior maxilla. The management of this tumor is discussed and the literature is reviewed.



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