首页> 外文期刊>Nature Communications >Optogenetics inspired transition metal dichalcogenide neuristors for in-memory deep recurrent neural networks

Optogenetics inspired transition metal dichalcogenide neuristors for in-memory deep recurrent neural networks




Shallow feed-forward networks are incapable of addressing complex tasks such as natural language processing that require learning of temporal signals. To address these requirements, we need deep neuromorphic architectures with recurrent connections such as deep recurrent neural networks. However, the training of such networks demand very high precision of weights, excellent conductance linearity and low write-noise- not satisfied by current memristive implementations. Inspired from optogenetics, here we report a neuromorphic computing platform comprised of photo-excitable neuristors capable of in-memory computations across 980 addressable states with a high signal-to-noise ratio of 77. The large linear dynamic range, low write noise and selective excitability allows high fidelity opto-electronic transfer of weights with a two-shot write scheme, while electrical in-memory inference provides energy efficiency. This method enables implementing a memristive deep recurrent neural network with twelve trainable layers with more than a million parameters to recognize spoken commands with 90% accuracy.
机译:浅前馈网络无法解决复杂任务,例如需要学习时间信号的自然语言处理。为了解决这些要求,我们需要深度神经形状架构,具有经常性连接,如深度经常性神经网络。然而,对这种网络的培训需求非常高的重量精度,优异的电导线性和低写噪声 - 不满足当前的忆内实现。灵感来自于Optogensics,在这里,我们报告了一种神经形态计算平台,包括能够穿过980个可寻址状态的内存计算的光敏神经频体,具有高信噪比为77.大线性动态范围,低写入噪音和选择性兴奋性允许使用双射击写方案的重量高保真光电传递,而电气内记录提供能效。该方法使得能够实现具有12个具有超过一百万个参数的十二个可训练层的Memristive Deep Readurvent神经网络,以识别具有> 90%精度的口语命令。


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