首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Do Helpful Mothers Help? Effects of Maternal Scaffolding and Infant Engagement on Cognitive Performance

Do Helpful Mothers Help? Effects of Maternal Scaffolding and Infant Engagement on Cognitive Performance




Infants are highly social and much early learning takes place in a social context during interactions with caregivers. Previous research shows that social scaffolding – responsive parenting and joint attention - can confer benefits for infants’ long-term development and learning. However, little previous research has examined whether dynamic (moment-to-moment) adaptations in adults’ social scaffolding are able to produce immediate effects on infants' performance. Here we ask whether infants' success on an object search task is more strongly influenced by maternal behaviour, including dynamic changes in response behaviour,, or by fluctuations in infants' own engagement levels. Thirty-five mother-infant dyads (infants aged 10.8 months, on average) participated in an object search task that was delivered in a naturalistic manner by the child’s mother. Measures of maternal responsiveness (teaching duration; sensitivity) and infant engagement (engagement score; visual attention) were assessed. Mothers varied their task delivery trial by trial, but neither measure of maternal responsiveness significantly predicted infants’ success in performing the search task. Rather, infants’ own level of engagement was the sole significant predictor of accuracy. These results indicate that while parental scaffolding is offered spontaneously (and is undoubtedly crucial for development), in this context children’s endogenous engagement proved to be a more powerful determinant of task success. Future work should explore this interplay between parental and child-internal factors in other learning and social contexts.
机译:婴儿高度社会,在与照顾者的互动期间,在社会背景下进行了很多早期的学习。以前的研究表明,社会脚手架 - 响应育儿和关注 - 可以赋予婴儿的长期发展和学习的益处。然而,以前的研究已经研究了成人社会脚手架中的动态(时刻)的适应是否能够对婴儿的表现产生立即影响。在这里,我们询问婴儿是否在对象搜索任务上的成功更强烈地受母体行为的影响,包括响应行为的动态变化,或通过婴幼儿自己的参与水平的波动。三十五个母婴(婴儿10.8个月,平均)参加了由孩子的母亲以自然主义方式交付的对象搜索任务。母体响应措施(教学持续时间;敏感性)和婴儿参与(参与评分;视觉注意)进行评估。母亲通过审判改变了任务交付审判,但既未衡量母体响应性明显预测婴儿在执行搜索任务时的成功。相反,婴儿自己的参与水平是唯一的准确性预测因子。这些结果表明,虽然父母的脚手架自发地提供(并且无疑是对发展至关重要的),但在这种情况下,儿童的内源性接触被证明是一个更强大的任务成功的决定因素。未来的工作应该探索父母和儿童内部因素之间的其他学习和社会背景之间的相互作用。



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