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Our new feature: Narrative Medicine




In the past two decades the new field of “Narrative Medicine” hasemerged from the meeting of medicine and the humanities.Narrative Medicine is the practice of listening for stories inhealthcare. Rita Charon, the field’s leading pioneer, explains thatNarrative Medicine responds to the need in healthcare for doctors(as well as nurses, social workers, physician assistants, and otherhealth care providers) to provide better care for patients, and tofacilitate new thinking about health and medicine. Charon states,“patients lament that their doctors don’t listen to them or thatthey seem indifferent to their suffering.” 1 Such neglect ofempathy, compassion, and forgetting of the internal life of thepatient itself suggests a need for healing and education throughnarration because “to be of clinical help requires that doctors enterthe worlds of their patients, if only imaginatively, and to see andinterpret these worlds from the patients’ point of view.” 2 Inresponse to this burgeoning interdisciplinary field, PediatricResearch is thus proud to announce a new category of article forpublication in the field of Narrative Medicine. We would like toprovide a forum for stories from physicians of their own personalexperiences that inspire us. Many of us are driven by the need toadvance care for our patients and we are emotionally attached totheir outcomes. Physicians and other health care works are usuallynot allowed to mourn in public. Yet, now with the crisis of Covid-19 taking center stage in our daily reports on the challengesconfronting health care, we hope that this forum will allow for notonly “Covid stories” to be shared, but also the many otherimportant narratives that emerge from our experiences as healthcare providers and patients. As we move forward out of this crisisand into routine care, we should not go back to business as usual.We should learn from this moment as we will benefit aspractitioners by listening to the stories of our patients and oneanother’s stories. Our goal is to inform and inspire readers, to offerauthors a place to share their sorrows and joys, and ultimately,through such creative expression of the healer’s bent, to foster thebest care we can for our patients.
机译:在过去的二十年中,从医学和人文会议中出现了“叙事医学”的新领域。标题医学是听取故事中听力的实践。领域领先的先驱丽塔夏尔顿解释说,诺纳庭院医学对医生(以及护士,社会工作者,医生助理和其他医疗保健提供者)对医疗保健的需求进行了应对,为患者提供更好的照顾,并对健康的新思考进行了新的思考药物。 Charon国家,“患者哀叹他们的医生不会听他们的聆听,或者他们对他们的痛苦漠不关心。” 1这种忽视的疏忽,同情,忘记了视卵位的内部生活,表明需要治愈和教育,因为“有临床帮助要求医生进入他们的患者世界,如果只是想象力,并且看到了和诠释了这些世界从患者的角度来看。“ 2爆发跨学科领域的2个Inresponse,PediatricResearch因此自豪地宣布叙事医学领域的一篇新的文章。我们希望Toprovide一个关于他们自己的人类专业人员的故事论坛,激励我们。我们中的许多人都受到我们患者的需要的需求,我们在情绪上附加了托尿的结果。医生和其他医疗保健作品通常不允许在公共场合哀悼。然而,现在,随着Covid-19的危机,在我们的日常报告中担任挑战咨询卫生保健的日常报告,我们希望这个论坛能够允许“Covid故事”分享,也可以分享许多其他的叙述经验为医疗保健提供者和患者。当我们向常规照顾中搬出危机时,我们不应该像往常一样回到业务。我们应该从这一刻起了学习,因为我们将通过听取患者和奥海内特的故事来聆听兼顾人员。我们的目标是提供通知和激励读者,为一个分享他们的悲伤和乐趣的地方提供,最终通过治疗师的这种创造性表达,为患者培养我们可以为我们的患者提供最佳的护理。



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