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Deliberately Chipping Holes in the Wall: A Modest Goal for the Journal




In a first editorial as a new Editor-in-Chief, I think itis customary to first acknowledge those whose effortshave preceded you and it may be appropriate to followat least some customs). Thanks to the Academy, editorialstaff, and editorial board for their many contributions overthe years to get the Journal to this point. There are too manyto mention in a short column, but let me briefly flag threecontributors in particular. I would like to give a specialshout out to Dr. Khrista Boylan, our outgoing Editor-inChief,who has put years of work into the Journal and whowill stay on as an Editor Emerita to help get me up to speed.Dr. Joshua Fogel has been one of our longest serving EditorialBoard members and significantly contributed to thelaunching of the Journal now many years ago. Dr. Fogel hasagreed to stay on the Editorial Board to continue to help uswith statistical reviews. I would also like to acknowledgeDr. Kristin Cleverley who is stepping down from her AssistantEditor role, a post she has held for almost ten years.She is also going to continue to contribute to the Journal as anew member of our expanded Editorial Board. Please take alook at the updated masthead for the Journal at https://www.cacap-acpea.org/learn/journal/ to see who are all involved.
机译:在一个新的主编,我认为ITIS习惯于首先承认那些努力表现的努力,它可能适合追随一些海关)。感谢学院,社论,编辑委员会在众多年度贡献到这一点。在短栏中有太多提及,但让我特别略微向三个血管控制器。我想向Khrista Boylan博士提供一名专业业务,我们的外向编辑博士 - 费用,他们将多年的工作纳入日记,哈维尔留下作为编辑Emerita帮助我加速。 Joshua Fogel一直是我们最长的副教牌成员之一,并且在多年前的日记中大大促进了贡献。 Fogel博士Hasagreed留于编委会继续帮助USWITS统计审查。我也想认识到。 Kristin Cleverley从她的Assistanteditor角色踩下,她近十年举行的一篇帖子。她也将继续为我们扩大的编辑委员会的重新捐助。请在https://www.cacap-acpea.org/learn/journal/上将alook乘坐更新的桅顶来看,以查看谁将参与谁。



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