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Deliberately Chipping Holes in the Wall: A Modest Goal for the Journal




(I . Thanks to the Academy, editorial staff, and editorial board for their many contributions over the years to get the Journal to this point. There are too many to mention in a short column, but let me briefly flag three contributors in particular. I would like to give a special shout out to Dr. Khrista Boylan, our outgoing Editor-in-Chief, who has put years of work into the Journal and who will stay on as an Editor Emerita to help get me up to speed. Dr. Joshua Fogel has been one of our longest serving Editorial Board members and significantly contributed to the launching of the Journal now many years ago. Dr. Fogel has agreed to stay on the Editorial Board to continue to help us with statistical reviews. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Kristin Cleverley who is stepping down from her Assistant Editor role, a post she has held for almost ten years. She is also going to continue to contribute to the Journal as a new member of our expanded Editorial Board. Please take a look at the updated masthead for the Journal at to see who are all involved.
机译:(我。感谢学院,编辑人员和编辑委员会多年来做出的许多贡献,使《华尔街日报》达到了这一点。在短专栏中有太多值得一提的内容,但让我简要地特别指出三位贡献者。我要特别向即将离任的总编辑Khrista Boylan博士大喊大叫,他已经在《华尔街日报》上投入了多年的工作,并将继续担任Emerita的主编,以帮助我快速入门。 。约书亚·福格尔(Joshua Fogel)一直是我们任职时间最长的编辑委员会成员之一,多年来为《华尔街日报》的发表做出了重要贡献。福格尔博士已同意留任编辑委员会,以继续帮助我们进行统计审查。我想感谢Kristin Cleverley博士即将离任近十年的助理编辑一职,她还将继续作为我们扩大后的编委会的新成员为《华尔街日报》做出贡献。看看更新了刊物的刊头,以查看所有相关人员。



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