首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry >Therapeutic Response to Methylphenidate in ADHD: Role of Child and Observer Gender

Therapeutic Response to Methylphenidate in ADHD: Role of Child and Observer Gender




Objective This study aims to examine the interaction between the gender of the child and the gender of the observers (teachers, parents) on the therapeutic response (TR) noted with methylphenidate (MPH) in children with ADHD. Method Children with ADHD participated in a two week double-blind, randomized, cross-over clinical trial with MPH and placebo, and the difference between the week of treatment with MPH and placebo was calculated for each measure to obtain the treatment response (TR) with MPH. The TR for differences based on the gender of child and the observer was examined by using a univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results 299 children (269-male, 30-female; average age 8.9±1.8 years) were evaluated by 52 male teachers, 212 female teachers; 269 female parents and 30 male parents. For the baseline week, the ANCOVA analysis for teachers yielded a significant teacher’s gender x child’s gender interaction. For the evaluation of TR, the ANCOVA analysis revealed a significant teacher’s gender x child’s gender interaction whereas no parent’s gender x child’s gender interactions were noted, all noted interactions were of a small effect size (eta squared 0.02). Conclusions These results suggest that there are differences in symptom assessment between parents and teachers at baseline and with TR based on the gender of the observer and the child. While clinicians need to be aware of these interactions, it remains unclear if these interactions will be clinically useful due to the small effect sizes.
机译:目的本研究旨在审查儿童的性别与观察者(教师,父母)的性别与ADHD中儿童儿童的治疗反应(TR)对治疗反应(TR)之间的互动。具有ADHD的方法参加了两周的双盲,随机的,随机交叉临床试验,用MPH和安慰剂,并计算每种措施的MPH和安慰剂的治疗周之间的差异以获得治疗响应(TR)用mph。通过使用协方差分析(ANCOVA)的单变量分析,研究了基于儿童性别和观察者的差异的TR。结果299名儿童(269人,30岁;平均年龄8.9±1.8岁)由52名男教师评估212名女教师; 269名女性父母和30名男性父母。对于基线周,教师的Ancova分析产生了重要的教师的性别x儿童的性别互动。为了评估TR,ANCOVA分析揭示了大量教师的性别X儿童的性别互动,而没有父母的性别X儿童的性别互动被指出,所有指出的互动都有一个小的效果规模(ETA Squared <0.02)。结论这些结果表明,基线父母和教师之间的症状评估存在差异,基于观察者和儿童的性别。虽然临床医生需要意识到这些相互作用,但如果这些相互作用将临床上,而且由于效果尺寸小,但仍然不明确。



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