首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice >Aripiprazole in Tardive Dyskinesia: Is it a Safe Choice?

Aripiprazole in Tardive Dyskinesia: Is it a Safe Choice?

机译:Aripiprazole在Tardive Dyskinesia:这是一个安全的选择吗?



Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a potentially irreversible drug-induced movement disorder associated with prolonged administration of antipsychotics. Conventionally, first generation antipsychotics were the agents thought to have a higher risk of TD as compared to second and third generation antipsychotics. Aripiprazole is a third generation antipsychotic with a novel mechanism of action, and until recently, cases of drug-induced movement disorders were less well known with it. But off late, several cases of TD with aripiprazole have been reported. We present here a case of middle-aged women with preexisting tardive movements, which exacerbated with aripiprazole use and reduced in frequency and intensity on withdrawal of the drug. K EYWORDS : Aripiprazole , movement disorder , tardive dyskinesia
机译:Tardive Dyskinesia(TD)是一种与延长抗精神病药常规相关的可能不可逆的药物诱导的运动障碍。传统上,与第二代和第三代抗精神科学相比,第一代抗精神病药是认为具有更高的TD风险的药剂。 AripiPrazole是第三代抗精神病药,具有新的作用机制,直到最近,药物诱导的运动障碍的病例较少众所周知。但是,截止了,已经报道了几种与阿里哌唑的TD病例。我们在这里展示了一种具有预先存在的迟发运动的中年妇女的案例,它加剧了阿里普哌唑的使用,并减少了药物戒断的频率和强度。 K eywords:aripiprazole,运动障碍,迟钝的障碍



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