首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing >Caring Behaviors as Perceived by Emergency Nurses in Tunisia

Caring Behaviors as Perceived by Emergency Nurses in Tunisia




Patients are dissatisfied due to lack of human and relational aspects in care (Donabedian, 1992 cited in Rafii, 2008). Moreover, caregivers confirmed in a report published in 2013, that the quality of care in emergencies is poor (the Centre for Development of Best Practices in Health, 2013). To resolve this issue, Watson suggested applying treatments based on the Caring in this type of care despite its specific structure (Watson, 2010).Indeed, it would be important to measure the behavior of Caring nursing and emergency nurses from their perceptions. The focus of our research is to improve the quality of care in our emergency departments and consequently the patient satisfaction. The aim of this study is to describe perceptions of Caring for Emergency Nurses at University Hospitals of Greater Tunis and its relationship to socio-demographic characteristics. This is a correlational descriptive study, which was guided by the theory of "Human Caring" of Watson. To measure Caring behavior, the Caring behavior inventory (CBI) developed by Wolf, Giardino, Osborne and Ambrose (1994) was used. It is a questionnaire based on the caratifs factors of Watson's theory (Green, A, 2004). The study included all nurses who were trained in "License applied in Nursing" and working in the Emergency Departments of the university hospitals of Tunis (Charles Nicolle, Rabta, Mongi Slim and Habib Thameur). This survey showed that knowledge and professional skills belonged to the dimension that had the highest perception (m=1.06 +/- 0.37). Tunisians nurses were according more importance to the technical dimension and a less importance for relational dimensions. There is no relationship between the socio-demographic characteristics and the five dimensions of the CBI questionnaire. The results of this study did uncover a reality that has to undergo a serious change to improve the quality of care in Tunisia. Further studies are needed in order to improve quality of care and consequently patient satisfaction.
机译:患者因护理人力和关系方面缺乏缺乏人类和关系方面而异此外,护理人员在2013年发布的一份报告中确认,紧急情况的护理质量较差(2013年健康最佳做法的发展中心)。为了解决这个问题,沃森建议在这种类型的关怀上提出应用治疗,尽管其特定的结构(Watson,2010).inded,衡量关怀护理和紧急护士的行为是很重要的。我们的研究的重点是提高我们的急诊部门的护理质量,从而提高患者满意度。本研究的目的是描述大学医院对大突尼斯大学医院的关心护士的看法及其与社会人口特征的关系。这是一个相关的描述性研究,由沃森的“人类关怀”理论为指导。为了测量关怀行为,使用狼,贾迪诺,奥斯本和武器(1994)开发的关怀行为库存(CBI)。它是一个基于Watson理论的Caratifs因素的问卷(绿色,A,2004)。该研究包括所有受过培训的护士,他们培养在“护理中的许可证”中,并在突尼斯大学医院的急诊部门工作(查尔斯尼科尔,Rabta,Mongi Slim和Habib Thameur)。本调查显示,知识和专业技能属于具有最高感知的维度(M = 1.06 +/- 0.37)。突尼斯人护士更加重视技术方面,对关系维度的重要性较小。社会人口统计特征与CBI问卷的五个维度之间没有关系。该研究的结果确实发现了必须经历严重变革以提高突尼斯的护理质量的现实。需要进一步研究,以提高护理质量,从而提高患者满意度。



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