首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Impact of School Climate on Academic Performance: A case of Ghanaian Schools

The Impact of School Climate on Academic Performance: A case of Ghanaian Schools




One of the most important school factors required for effective teaching in learning is the school climate. The study sought to explore and explain the degree to which school climate factors contribute towards improved students’ performance. A quantitative research design was employed for the study. Items of the survey questionnaire were based on questions form the both Inventory of School Climate (ISC) and the NSCC scale for school climate. Data was collated from of primary data from 500 students from 500 schools randomly selected across all ten regions in Ghana. Performance was measured using average performance of schools in WASSCE examinations for the year 2014. Data obtained during survey was entered into a SPSS statistical software, were missing analysis was conducted. Subsequently analyses using both descriptive and inferential methods were done. The Cronchbach’s measure of reliability estimated for the school climate construct was 0.774. The structural equation model was then employed to test the effects of climate on the performance of students in standardized examinations. Results from SEM analysis reveal the model of the study was confirmed as the data showed equivalence to model modifications Χ2/ DF .90, AGFI >.90, NFI > .90, TLI > .90, CFI > .90, RMSEA < 0.07. It was found that school climate had a positive and significant effect on the academic performances of students. It was also found that specific school climate factors that influence student performance in ensuring positive school climate. Based on the findings of the study it was recommended that school leaders and other stake holding bodies help promote cohesiveness among all members of their schools.
机译:有效教学所需的最重要的学习因素是学校气候。该研究寻求探索和解释学校气候因素对改善学生绩效的贡献的程度。研究了定量研究设计。调查问卷的项目基于问题,形成了学校气候(ISC)的清单和学校气候的NSCC规模。从500所学校的500名学校的主要数据中都是从加纳的所有十个地区随机选择的初级数据。在2014年的威斯考试中学的平均性能测量了绩效。在调查期间获得的数据已进入SPSS统计软件,缺少分析进行了分析。随后使用描述性和推理方法进行分析。 Cronchbach对学校气候构建体估计的可靠性衡量标准为0.774。然后采用结构方程模型来测试气候对学生在标准检查中表现的影响。 SEM分析结果显示了该研究的模型被证实,因为数据显示了模型修饰的等价χ2/ df .90,AGFI> .90,NFI> .90,TLI> .90,CFI> .90,RMSEA <0.07。发现学校气候对学生的学术表演产生了积极和重大影响。还发现,在确保积极学校气候中,有特定的学校气候因素影响学生表现。根据研究的研究结果,建议学校领导人和其他股权持有机构有助于促进学校所有成员之间的凝聚力。



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