首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Dryland Agriculture >Effect of range land vegetation degradation on livestock and socio-economics status of the pastoralists, Afar regional state, Northern Ethiopia

Effect of range land vegetation degradation on livestock and socio-economics status of the pastoralists, Afar regional state, Northern Ethiopia




The objectives of the study were to assess current vegetation diversity in the rangeland and its effect on the livestock and socio-economics of the pastoralists. Vegetation data were collected from 72 sample plots laid on the four transects. The size of the main plot was 20 m x 20 m for tree species. Socio-economic data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 software packages. A total of 75 species of vascular plants belonging to 60 genera and 26 Families were identified from 72 plots. Fabaceae and Poaceae were found to be the dominant families. The Shannon diversity index of the vegetation was 2.10, and evenness index was 0.50, total basal area calculated was 3.25 m2/ha for tree plants species. These studies indicated that most tree species were identified to have poor regeneration status, while shrub species had good regeneration status; which means expansion of unpalatable shrub species and the indicator of bush encroachment in the study area. In the study area, rangeland vegetation composition dramatically changed from grassland to bush land within the past two decades. Due to this, pastoralists tend to change their livestock herd structure into small ruminant. This small ruminant economically has low amount with many return and pastoralists were economically distributed.
机译:该研究的目标是评估牧场的当前植被多样性及其对牧民的畜牧业和社会经济的影响。从四个横断面放置的72个样品地块收集植被数据。对于树种,主图的大小为20米×20μm。使用SPSS版本21软件包进行分析社会经济数据。从72个地块确定了属于60属和26个家族的75种血管植物。发现Fabaceae和Poaceae是主要的家庭。植被的香农分集指数为2.10,均匀指数为0.50,树木植物物种计算的总基面积为3.25m 2 / ha。这些研究表明,鉴定大多数树种物种具有差的再生状态,而灌木种具有良好的再生状态;这意味着扩张不耐灌木种类和研究区内丛林侵犯的指标。在研究领域,牧场植被成分在过去二十年内从草原发生巨大变化到布什土地。由于这一点,牧民倾向于将牲畜群落变为小反刍动物。这种小型反刍动物经济上有很多返回和牧民经济分布。



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