首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Rangeland forage availability and management in times of drought - A case study of pastoralists in Afar, Ethiopia

Rangeland forage availability and management in times of drought - A case study of pastoralists in Afar, Ethiopia


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Many Eastern African rangelands comprise marginal land, where climatic conditions are poor, access rights are increasingly limited, and land degradation is progressing. We conducted participatory land use mapping and vegetation assessment to identify the most important rangeland locations and their condition in Afar, Ethiopia. Further, we conducted 79 interviews across six villages to assess pastoralist adaptation strategies during drought times. In the dry season, livestock feed resources represented rangelands far away from the village (in 76% of the cases) while 50% and 40% of pastoralists also used cake concentrates and crop residues, respectively. During the wet season, rangeland resources close to villages, albeit with rather low herbaceous cover (<25%), contributed 80% to livestock forage. In times of severe drought, migrating with livestock was the most common (70%) adaptation, in combination with purchasing feed (50%) while <40% of the pastoralists sold or slaughtered animals. Afar pastoralists applied little conservation and mitigation methods, most commonly they removed livestock pressure to allow the pasture to recover. Overall, pastoralists in Afar still strongly depended on natural rangelands and their resources. Hence, to manage these sustainably a monitoring scheme must urgently be established for investigating rangeland quality and resilience to drought and grazing pressure. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:许多东非牧场属于边缘地带,那里的气候条件较差,使用权日益受到限制,土地退化正在加剧。我们进行了参与性土地利用制图和植被评估,以找出埃塞俄比亚阿法尔最重要的牧场位置及其状况。此外,我们在六个村庄进行了79次访谈,以评估干旱时期牧民的适应策略。在干旱季节,牲畜饲料资源代表了远离村庄的牧场(在这种情况下占76%),而50%和40%的牧民也分别使用了饼精矿和农作物残渣。在雨季,尽管草木覆盖率较低(<25%),但靠近村庄的牧场资源却占牲畜饲料的80%。在严重干旱时期,与牲畜一起迁移是最常见的适应方式(70%),加上购买饲料(50%),而牧民中不到40%出售或屠宰了动物。远方的牧民几乎没有采取任何保护和缓解措施,大多数情况下,他们消除了牲畜的压力,以使牧场得以恢复。总体而言,阿法尔州的牧民仍然强烈依赖自然牧场及其资源。因此,为了可持续地管理这些土地,必须紧急建立一个监测计划,以调查牧场的质量以及对干旱和放牧压力的抵抗力。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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