首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemistry >Lysine Reacts with Cholesterol Hydroperoxide to Form Secosterol Aldehydes and Lysine-Secosterol Aldehyde Adducts

Lysine Reacts with Cholesterol Hydroperoxide to Form Secosterol Aldehydes and Lysine-Secosterol Aldehyde Adducts




Two cholesterol secosterol aldehydes, namely, 3β-hydroxy-5-oxo-5,6-secocholestan-6-al (secosterol A) and its aldolization product 3β-hydroxy-5β-hydroxy-B-norcholestane-6β-carboxyaldehyde (secosterol B), are highly bioactive compounds which have been detected in human tissues and potentially contribute to the development of physiological dysfunctions such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and cancer. They were originally considered to be exclusive products of cholesterol ozonolysis and thus to be evidence for endogenous ozone formation. However, it was recently postulated that primary amines such as lysine may catalyse their formation from cholesterol-5α-hydroperoxide (Ch-5α-OOH), the main product of the oxidation of cholesterol with singlet oxygen. This involves cyclization of Ch-5α-OOH to an unstable dioxetane intermediate, which decomposes to form secosterol aldehydes with triplet carbonyl groups, whose return to the singlet state is at least partly coupled to the conversion of triplet molecular oxygen to singlet oxygen. Here, we subjected cholesterol to photosensitized oxidation, which predominantly produces Ch-5α-OOH and minor amounts of the 6α- and 6β-hydroperoxides, exposed the hydroperoxide mixture to lysine in the presence of the antioxidant 2,6-ditertiary-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene (BHT), and analysed the reaction mixture by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Consistent with the postulated lysine-catalysed formation of secosterol aldehydes, we detected formation of the latter and several types of their lysine adducts, including carbinolamines, Schiff’s bases, and amide-type adducts. We propose that the amide type adducts, which are major biomarkers of lipid oxidation, are mainly formed by singlet oxygen-mediated oxidation of the carbinolamine adducts.
机译:两种胆固醇Secosterol醛,即3β-羟基-5-氧代-5,6- sechocholestan-6-Al(Secosterol A)及其醛固产物3β-羟基-5β-羟基-6β-羧甲醛(Secosterol B. ),是在人体组织中检测到的高度生物活性化合物,并且可能导致生理功能障碍,如动脉粥样硬化,阿尔茨海默病,糖尿病和癌症。他们最初被认为是胆固醇臭氧溶解的独家产品,因此是内源性臭氧形成的证据。然而,最近假设赖氨酸如赖氨酸的主要胺可以催化它们从胆固醇-5α-氢过氧化物(CH-5α-OOH)的形成,胆固醇与单线氧氧化的主要产物。这涉及CH-5α-OOH的环化到不稳定的二恶烷中间体,其分解以形成具有三重碳基的Secosterol醛,其返回单态碳基至少部分地与三重态分子氧的转化为单向氧的转化。在此,我们使胆固醇与光敏氧化,这主要产生CH-5α-OOH和少量的6α-和6β-氢过氧化物,在抗氧化剂2,6-二丁基-4存在下暴露过氢过氧化氢混合物至赖氨酸 - 通过液相色谱 - 电喷雾电离质谱法分析反应混合物的羟基甲苯(BHT)。与Secosterol醛的假设赖氨酸催化的形成一致,我们检测到后者的形成和几种类型的赖氨酸加合物,包括Carbinolamines,Schiff的基础和酰胺类加合物。我们提出,作为脂氧化的主要生物标志物的酰胺类型加合物主要由单线氧介导的碳碱加合物的氧化氧化。



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