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Chinese Microblog Sentiment Detection Based on CNN-BiGRU and Multihead Attention Mechanism




With the rapid development of the Internet, Weibo has gradually become one of the commonly used social tools in society at present. We can express our opinions on Weibo anytime and anywhere. Weibo is widely used and people can express themselves freely on it; thus, the amount of comments on Weibo has become extremely large. In order to count up the attitudes of users towards a certain event, Weibo managers often need to evaluate the position of a certain microblog in an appropriate way. In traditional position detection tasks, researchers mainly mine text semantic features through constructing feature engineering and sentiment dictionary, but it takes a large amount of manpower in feature selection and design. However, it is an effective method to analyze the sentiment state of microblog comments. Deep learning is developing in an increasingly mature direction, and the utilization of deep learning methods for sentiment detection has become increasingly popular. The application of convolutional neural networks (CNN), bidirectional GRU (BiGRU), and multihead attention mechanism- (multihead attention-) combined method CNN-BiGRU-MAttention (CBMA) to conduct Chinese microblog sentiment detection was proposed in this paper. Firstly, CNN were applied to extract local features of text vectors. Afterward, BiGRU networks were applied to extract the global features of the text to solve the problem that the single CNN cannot obtain global semantic information and the disappearance of the traditional recurrent neural network (RNN) gradient. At last, it was concluded that the CBMA algorithm is more accurate for Chinese microblog sentiment detection through a variety of algorithm experiments.
机译:随着互联网的迅速发展,微博逐渐成为目前社会常用的社会工具之一。我们可以随时随地在Weibo上表达我们的意见。我们被广泛使用的人,人们可以自由地表达它;因此,对微博的评论量变得非常大。为了计算用户对某个事件的态度,微博管理人员通常需要以适当的方式评估某个微博的位置。在传统的地位检测任务中,研究人员主要通过构建特征工程和情感词典的矿文本语义特征,但在特征选择和设计中需要大量的人力。然而,它是分析微博评论的情绪状态的有效方法。深度学习在日益成熟的方向上发展,利用深度学习方法的情绪检测已经变得越来越受欢迎。本文提出了卷积神经网络(CNN),双向GRU(BIGRU)和多口注意力机制 - (MOLOYHINGING-)组合方法CNN-BIGRU-MATLENTIVE(CBMA)进行中国微博情绪检测。首先,应用CNN以提取文本向量的局部特征。之后,将应用BigRU网络提取文本的全局特征,以解决单个CNN无法获得全局语义信息的问题以及传统的经常性神经网络(RNN)梯度的消失。最后,得出结论是CBMA算法通过各种算法试验更准确地进行中国微博情绪检测。



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