首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Applied Sciences: RJAS >Determination of Pathogenicity Relationships of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) Isolates on Near Isogenic Lines (NILs) and Some Released Oryza Species in Nigeria

Determination of Pathogenicity Relationships of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) Isolates on Near Isogenic Lines (NILs) and Some Released Oryza Species in Nigeria




The study was carried out to investigatepathotypes relationship of six Rice Yellow Mottle Virus(RYMV) isolates from North Central Zone of Nigeria in2016 using some released Oryza species and NearIsogenic Lines (NILs). The experiment was laid out in asplit-split plot design in the screen house at Badeggi,Niger State, Nigeria. Yield and agronomic data weresubjected to statistical analysis using CropStat Version7.2. The result showed a non-significant interaction effectof rice genotypes, disease isolates and inoculation regimeson spikelets sterility (%) and a highly significant effect(p = 0.01) on yield per plant (g) at harvest. The impact ofthe virus on the number of panicles per plant at maturitywas significantly higher on test plants inoculated at activetillering stages which consistently produced lower meanpanicle numbers across the levels of virus isolates. Theresult also showed that NIL 54 produced high resistanceto the virus which is not due to immunity as the leafextract from inoculated plant was infectious onsusceptible FKR 28 during back inoculation test. NIL 54did not also record significant reduction on the averageleaf length (cm) per plant at maturity with the virusisolates; neither did it express the characteristic symptomsof the virus with the six isolates. Obubu-Ofu and Makurdiisolates circumvented the resistance in Gigante andshowed obvious yellow mottle symptoms. The serologicalanalysis and RYMV isolates characterization indicatedthat the six virus isolates belonged to sero groups 1 and 2(S1 and S2). NIL 54 is recommended for furtherpathogenicity investigation with more isolates of RYMVin Nigeria or elsewhere, since, no obvious symptom of thevirus was observed on the plant when challenged with S2and S1 isolates in the present study.
机译:使用一些释放的Oryza物种和接近异因线(NIL),对尼日利亚北中心区的六米黄色斑点病毒(RYMV)分离物的六米黄色斑点病毒(RYMV)分离株进行了研究。在尼日利亚的Badeggi的屏幕房屋中,在Asplit-Split Plot设计中布置了实验。使用ChamStat Version7.2对统计分析进行统计分析的产量和农艺数据。结果表明,水稻基因型,疾病分离物和接种型菌株的非显着相互作用效果,并且在收获时对每种植物产量(g)产生的高显着效果(p = 0.01)。病毒对成熟时的每株植物数量的影响显着高于接种在活性阶段的试验植物,该试验植物在病毒分离株水平上一致地产生较低的平均值。结果还表明,NIL 54产生了高抗抵抗力,该病毒不是由于接种植物的叶片释放是感染性onScolceptible在接种试验期间的感染性onScrectIble FKR 28。 NIL 54DID在与病毒isolates的成熟度下,每株植物的平均值长度(cm)的显着减少;它也没有表达具有六个分离株的病毒的特征症状。 Obubu-OFU和Makurdiisolates在Gigante中避免了抗性,发光明显的黄色斑点症状。血液分析和rymv分离物表征表明,六种病毒分离株属于血清基团1和2(S1和S2)。对于更多的rymvin尼日利亚或其他地方,建议使用rymvin尼日利亚或其他地方的进一步调查,从本研究中的S2和S1分离株攻击时,在植物上没有观察到病毒的明显症状。



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