首页> 外文期刊>Lingua Franca: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya >Representasi Perempuan melalui Perspektif Sara Mills dalam Media Detik.Com dan Kompas.com

Representasi Perempuan melalui Perspektif Sara Mills dalam Media Detik.Com dan Kompas.com

机译:妇女通过透视Sara Mills在Media Detik.com和Kompas.com的代表



The background of this research was the emergence of woman discourse that was often becoming a cornered object, considered as wrong and a negative gender stereotype. The objectives were to find out how woman’s representation through Sara Mills perspective on the Sisca’s murder discourse, the subject-object and readers position on the news about Sisca’s murder in two online media. The news about Sisca’s murder at the Kebagusan City apartment Jakarta, on December 18 th 2018, became the material object of this research. The data was analyzed by using Sara Mills perspective. The results showed that woman’s representation included weak woman, marginalized woman, bad woman and false women. In addition, the results showed that the text that become data put man as a subject and woman as an object. The readers were directed to position themselves as a man
机译:这项研究的背景是妇女话语的出现,通常成为一个角落对象,被认为是错误的,以及负性别刻板印象。目的是为了了解妇女通过SARA Mills对SISCA的谋杀话语,主题对象和读者在两个在线媒体中的谋杀案中的新闻的看法。关于SISCA在2018年12月18日雅加达·雅加达市公寓武士谋杀案的新闻成为本研究的物质对象。通过使用Sara Mills Perspective分析数据。结果表明,妇女的代表包括弱者,边缘化的女人,坏女人和虚假的女人。此外,结果表明,成为数据的文本将人作为主题和女人作为对象。读者被定向自己作为一个男人



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