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Interpretable multimodal deep learning for real-time pan-tissue pan-disease pathology search on social media




Pathologists are responsible for rapidly providing a diagnosis on critical health issues. Challenging cases benefit from additional opinions of pathologist colleagues. In addition to on-site colleagues, there is an active worldwide community of pathologists on social media for complementary opinions. Such access to pathologists worldwide has the capacity to improve diagnostic accuracy and generate broader consensus on next steps in patient care. From Twitter we curate 13,626 images from 6,351 tweets from 25 pathologists from 13 countries. We supplement the Twitter data with 113,161 images from 1,074,484 PubMed articles. We develop machine learning and deep learning models to (i) accurately identify histopathology stains, (ii) discriminate between tissues, and (iii) differentiate disease states. Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) is 0.805-0.996 for these tasks. We repurpose the disease classifier to search for similar disease states given an image and clinical covariates. We report precision@k = 1 = 0.7618 0.0018 (chance 0.397 0.004, mean stdev ). The classifiers find that texture and tissue are important clinico-visual features of disease. Deep features trained only on natural images (e.g., cats and dogs) substantially improved search performance, while pathology-specific deep features and cell nuclei features further improved search to a lesser extent. We implement a social media bot (@pathobot on Twitter) to use the trained classifiers to aid pathologists in obtaining real-time feedback on challenging cases. If a social media post containing pathology text and images mentions the bot, the bot generates quantitative predictions of disease state (normal/artifact/infection/injury/nontumor, preneoplastic/benign/low-grade-malignant-potential, or malignant) and lists similar cases across social media and PubMed. Our project has become a globally distributed expert system that facilitates pathological diagnosis and brings expertise to underserved regions or hospitals with less expertise in a particular disease. This is the first pan-tissue pan-disease (i.e., from infection to malignancy) method for prediction and search on social media, and the first pathology study prospectively tested in public on social media. We will share data through http://pathobotology.org. We expect our project to cultivate a more connected world of physicians and improve patient care worldwide.
机译:病理学家负责迅速提供关键健康问题的诊断。挑战性案件从病理学家同事的额外意见中受益。除了在现场同事外,还有一个积极的全球社区,可在社交媒体上进行互补意见。这种对全世界病理学家的访问具有提高诊断准确性的能力,并在患者护理的后续步骤中产生更广泛的共识。来自Twitter,我们从13个国家的25家病理学家的6,351名推文中策划了13,626个图像。我们补充了Twitter数据,1,074,484个PubMed文章中的113,161张图像。我们将机器学习和深度学习模型开发至(i)准确识别组织病理学污渍,(ii)区分组织,(iii)分化疾病状态。接收器下的区域操作特征(AUROC)为这些任务为0.805-0.996。我们将疾病分类器重新保留疾病分类,以鉴于图像和临床协变量,寻找类似的疾病状态。我们报告精确@ K = 1 = 0.7618 0.0018(机会0.397 0.004,平均值STDEV)。分类器发现纹理和组织是疾病的重要临床视觉特征。深度特征仅在自然图像上培训(例如,猫和狗)显着提高了搜索性能,而病理学的深度特征和细胞核特征进一步改善了较小程度的搜索。我们在Twitter上实施社交媒体BOT(@Pathobot)以使用训练有素的分类器来帮助病理学家获得有关具有挑战性的情况的实时反馈。如果含有病理学文本和图像的社交媒体帖子,那么机器人会产生疾病状态的定量预测(正常/伪影/感染/损伤/不讲,促塑料/良性/低级恶性潜在或恶性)和名单社交媒体和PUBMED的类似案例。我们的项目已成为全球分布的专家系统,促进病理诊断,并将专业知识带给特定疾病的专业知识。这是第一泛组织泛疾病(即,从感染到恶性肿瘤)的预测和搜索社交媒体的方法,以及在公共社交媒体上预先测试的第一个病理学研究。我们将通过http://pathobotology.org共享数据。我们预计我们的项目将培养一个更联系的医生世界,并在全世界改善患者护理。


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