Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) is an enzyme that is ubiquitously present in the cytoplasm and causes dismutation of superoxide radicals, therefore Cu/Zn-SOD is pr'/> Significance of Cu/Zn-Superoxide Dismutase Levels in Hemodialysis Patients: A Mini Review
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Significance of Cu/Zn-Superoxide Dismutase Levels in Hemodialysis Patients: A Mini Review

机译:血液透析患者Cu / Zn-超氧化物歧化酶水平的意义:迷你评论



style="text-align:justify;"> Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) is an enzyme that is ubiquitously present in the cytoplasm and causes dismutation of superoxide radicals, therefore Cu/Zn-SOD is primarily used as an antioxidant marker. Levels of Cu/Zn-SOD are higher in the serum of hemodialysis patients than in serum of healthy volunteers. The increase of serum Cu/Zn-SOD levels is related to the decrease of kidney function with aging and arteriosclerosis in hemodialysis patients. Moreover, infection, vascular puncture, and hemostasis may be related to the increase in serum Cu/Zn-SOD levels. As it is associated with numerous factors in hemodialysis patients, Cu/Zn-SOD may serve as a complex marker for arteriosclerosis, vascular, and inflammatory conditions. It is important to investigate various agents that decrease serum Cu/Zn-SOD levels to improve the life-span of hemodialysis patients.
机译:style =“text-align:证明;”> Cu / Zn-超氧化物歧化酶(Cu / zn-sod)是一种酶,其普遍存在于细胞质中,导致超氧化物自由基的歧化,因此Cu / Zn-Sod是主要用作抗氧化标记物。血液透析患者的血清中Cu / Zn-Sod的水平高于健康志愿者的血清。血清Cu / Zn-SOD水平的增加与血液透析患者的老化和动脉硬化的肾功能降低有关。此外,感染,血管刺穿和止血可能与血清Cu / Zn-SOD水平的增加有关。由于它与血液透析患者的许多因素相关,Cu / Zn-SOD可以作为动脉硬化,血管和炎症条件作为复杂标志物。研究各种药剂,可降低血清Cu / Zn-SOD水平以改善血液透析患者的寿命。



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