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Impact of Implementing ISO 14001 Standard Requirements for Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Textile Industry

机译:实施ISO 14001纺织业可持续供应链管理标准要求的影响



The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of the implementation of the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard on creating sustainable supply chains in the textile industry. The research process was conducted in 2018. It was preceded by an extensive literature review of sustainable development and quality management as well as the supply chain. The research tool was a questionnaire sent to top management representatives of organisations operating in south-eastern Poland and Slovakia who possess a certified system according to ISO 14001. However, analysis of the results does not allow to give clear answers to the research questions. Although the majority of respondents noted a positive impact of the implementation of ISO 14001 on improving environmental actions in the supply chain, its impact on the creation of sustainable supply chains is not so obvious. Based on our research, organisations will be able to more consciously decide on the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard requirements.
机译:该研究的主要目标是确定实施ISO 14001标准要求的效果,即在纺织业中创建可持续供应链。该研究过程于2018年进行。在可持续发展和质量管理以及供应链的广泛文献审查之前。该研究工具是一份调查问卷,发送给波兰东南部和斯洛伐克贩运的组织的顶级管理代表,该组织和斯洛伐比亚拥有根据ISO 14001认证的系统。但是,对结果的分析不允许明确答案研究问题。虽然大多数受访者指出了ISO 14001实施的积极影响,但在改善供应链中的环境行为,其对可持续供应链的创建的影响并不明显。根据我们的研究,组织将能够更有意识地决定ISO 14001标准要求的实施。



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