首页> 外文期刊>Engineering Letters >Coordinated Optimization Control of Shield Tunneling Machine Based on Predictive Function Control

Coordinated Optimization Control of Shield Tunneling Machine Based on Predictive Function Control




In order to avoid the ground uplift or collapsecaused by shield tunneling, it is very important to keep the earthpressure balance in the shield chamber. Chamber pressure isthe result of the combined action of multiple subsystems,therefore, a coordinated optimization control method based onpredictive function control is proposed. Firstly, the mechanismmodel of the earth pressure in the shield chamber wasestablished, and then the time domain function was convertedinto the frequency domain function, and the earth pressureprediction model with hysteresis was constructed. Then, basedon the predictive function control, an earth pressure balancecontroller for the chamber was designed. According to theSmith's predictive control method, the optimal control law ofthe propulsion speed and the rotation speed of the screwconveyor was derived to realize the coordinated optimal controlof multiple parameters of shield tunneling machine. Finally, thesimulation results indicate that the method has high controlaccuracy and small overshoot. It can quickly track the earthpressure set value in shield chamber, and well realize the stablecontrol of the excavation face.



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